Talk given at Datapalooza Denver 2016 titled "(Your) Data as a Service: The Easy Way to Build an API for Your Data".
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8 лет назад
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  5. <title>Creating Data APIs in Python</title>
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  29. <!-- image CCBY janneke staaks :>
  30. <h1>(Your) Data <br/>as a Service</h1>
  31. <p><b>The Easy Way to Build an API for Your Data</b></p>
  32. <p>Keith E. Maull, PhD</p>
  33. <p><h5>DATAPALOOZA/Denver<br/> 5-19-2016</h5></p>
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  37. <h2>Say you have some data ...</h2>
  38. <p class="fragment"><span>Maybe it's big data ...</span></p>
  39. <p class="fragment"><span>or small.</span></p>
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  44. <h2>and maybe the data <br/>is useful to you </h2>
  45. <p class="fragment">... and maybe someone else</p>
  46. <p class="fragment">... and maybe even some other people.</p>
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  50. ## But there are 3 things you've convinced yourself of:
  51. 1. Building an API is way more work than you have time for.
  52. 2. Writing **_useful_** documentation for an API is going to take even longer than building it.
  53. 3. There's nothing _really wrong_ with CSV files ... even the 1GB ZIP-bomb kind.
  54. </section>
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  57. <p>so you go on your merry way and do nothing</p>
  58. <p class="fragment">... or put that data on an FTP server <br/>and call it a day.</p>
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  63. <h2>This talk is going explore the 'spec first' paradigm for building your data API ...</h2>
  64. </section>
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  66. <h2>Ingredient 0: The Data</h2>
  67. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/ipeds-screenshot.JPG"/></a>
  68. <p>Any data will do, though!</p>
  69. </section>
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  71. <h2>Ingredient 1: The Spec</h2>
  72. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/apispec-screenshot.JPG" width="70%"/></a>
  73. <p><a href="">OpenAPI is really, really nice!</a></p>
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  76. <h2>Ingredient 2: The Implementation</h2>
  77. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/code-screenshot.JPG" width="70%"/></a>
  78. <p><a href="">Connexion</a> and <a href="">XLRD</a> are your friends!</a></p>
  79. </section>
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  81. <h2>Ingredient 3: Run and test ...</h2>
  82. <img src="images/apidemo.JPG" width="70%"/>
  83. </section>
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  86. ## What you just learned to do
  87. * You can now make a spec first API,
  88. * with only a few lines of code,
  89. * that produce a running server, documentation and test-harness,
  90. * that can allow you to integrate almost any data source ...
  91. * (even a gnarly XLS file if you need to)!
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  93. <section data-background="images/7074872791_7569aa25e2_k.jpg">
  94. <!-- image CCBY TiEx_Bilder
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  96. <p>BE BRAVE: go hack a data API today!</p>
  97. <br/><br/>
  98. <h2>Got Questions?</h2>
  99. <p></p>
  100. <p><a href=""><img src="images/GitHub-Mark-Light-64px.png"/></a></p>
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