- swagger: '2.0'
- info:
- title: Data API Example
- version: "0.1"
- consumes:
- - application/json
- produces:
- - application/json
- #security:
- # # enable OAuth protection for all REST endpoints
- # # (only active if the TOKENINFO_URL environment variable is set)
- # - oauth2: [uid]
- paths:
- /:
- get:
- operationId: api_server.root
- summary: Get root server response
- responses:
- 200:
- description: Return server information
- schema:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/definitions/Root'
- /summary/costs:
- get:
- operationId: api_server.get_summary_uris
- summary: Get links for cost summary data
- responses:
- 200:
- description: Return summary links information
- schema:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/definitions/SummaryURI'
- /summary/costs/{year}:
- get:
- operationId: api_server.get_summary
- summary: Get cost data for year
- parameters:
- - $ref: '#/parameters/year'
- responses:
- 200:
- description: Return cost information
- schema:
- $ref: '#/definitions/Costs'
- parameters:
- year:
- name: year
- description: Year of data
- in: path
- type: integer
- required: true
- pattern: "^[0-9]{4}$"
- definitions:
- Root:
- type: object
- required:
- - server_name
- properties:
- server_name:
- type: string
- description: Server name identifier
- example: "data-one"
- readOnly: true
- time:
- type: string
- format: date-time
- description: Creation time
- example: "2015-07-07T15:49:51.230+02:00"
- readOnly: true
- SummaryURI:
- type: object
- properties:
- year:
- type: integer
- description: Year of the data payload
- example: "2010"
- readOnly: true
- link:
- type: string
- description: The resource link to the containing data
- example: "/summary/costs/2010"
- readOnly: true
- Costs:
- type: object
- properties:
- tuition_and_fees:
- type: integer
- description: Average annual tuition and fees costs
- example: "10000"
- readOnly: true
- # room_and_board:
- # type: integer
- # description: Average annual room and board costs
- # example: "2000"
- # readOnly: true
- books_and_supplies:
- type: integer
- description: Average annual books and fees costs
- example: "2000"
- readOnly: true