Talk given to full stack program cohort at Galvanize/Boulder on September 14, 2016 about a few reasons why Python is awesome.
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Images and other assets that are part of the talk.

Filename License Source
8324418418_fd96aa2a4d_z.jpg CCBYNC-2.0 Thanks artjouer street art on Flickr!
3717019943_7e6637b322_z.jpg CCBYNC-2.0 Thanks Noodlefish on Flickr!
5009171128_22a32d98a1_z.jpg CCBYNCBD-2.0 Thanks Guy Beauchamp on Flickr.
8569018622_93efb5cd7e_z.jpg CCBYNC-2.0 Thanks artjouer street art on Flickr!
13563527335_7282ccd926_o.jpg CCBYNCND-2.0 Thanks Alyssa on Flickr
13610718405_c247cc2925_z.jpg CCBY-2.0 Thanks Vincent Brown on Flickr!
13563527335_7282ccd926_o.jpg CCBY-2.0 Thanks Laineys Repertoire on Flickr