Talk given at RMACC August 17, 2017 titled "Practical Data Wrangling in Pandas".
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  8462. /*!
  8463. *
  8464. * IPython base
  8465. *
  8466. */
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  8496. /* Flexible box model classes */
  8497. /* Taken from Alex Russell */
  8498. /* This file is a compatability layer. It allows the usage of flexible box
  8499. model layouts accross multiple browsers, including older browsers. The newest,
  8500. universal implementation of the flexible box model is used when available (see
  8501. `Modern browsers` comments below). Browsers that are known to implement this
  8502. new spec completely include:
  8503. Firefox 28.0+
  8504. Chrome 29.0+
  8505. Internet Explorer 11+
  8506. Opera 17.0+
  8507. Browsers not listed, including Safari, are supported via the styling under the
  8508. `Old browsers` comments below.
  8509. */
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  8511. /* Old browsers */
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  8629. /* Modern browsers */
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  8639. /* Modern browsers */
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  8668. box-pack: stretch;
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  8678. box-align: start;
  8679. /* Modern browsers */
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  8689. /* Modern browsers */
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  8698. box-align: center;
  8699. /* Modern browsers */
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  8707. -moz-box-align: baseline;
  8708. box-align: baseline;
  8709. /* Modern browsers */
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  8712. .hbox.align-stretch,
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  8718. box-align: stretch;
  8719. /* Modern browsers */
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  8739. /**
  8740. * Primary styles
  8741. *
  8742. * Author: Jupyter Development Team
  8743. */
  8744. body {
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  8746. /* This makes sure that the body covers the entire window and needs to
  8747. be in a different element than the display: box in wrapper below */
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  8869. span#login_widget > .button:active:hover,
  8870. #logout:active:hover,
  8871. span#login_widget >,
  8873. .open > .dropdown-togglespan#login_widget > .button:hover,
  8874. .open > .dropdown-toggle#logout:hover,
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  8876. #logout:active:focus,
  8877. span#login_widget >,
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  8891. span#login_widget > .button:active,
  8892. #logout:active,
  8893. span#login_widget >,
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  8899. span#login_widget > .button.disabled:hover,
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  8903. fieldset[disabled] span#login_widget > .button:hover,
  8904. fieldset[disabled] #logout:hover,
  8905. span#login_widget > .button.disabled:focus,
  8906. #logout.disabled:focus,
  8907. span#login_widget > .button[disabled]:focus,
  8908. #logout[disabled]:focus,
  8909. fieldset[disabled] span#login_widget > .button:focus,
  8910. fieldset[disabled] #logout:focus,
  8911. span#login_widget > .button.disabled.focus,
  8912. #logout.disabled.focus,
  8913. span#login_widget > .button[disabled].focus,
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  8920. span#login_widget > .button .badge,
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  8928. #header > span {
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  8932. /* Old browsers */
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  8941. box-align: stretch;
  8942. /* Modern browsers */
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  8962. }
  8963. }
  8964. /*!
  8965. *
  8966. * IPython auth
  8967. *
  8968. */
  8969. .center-nav {
  8970. display: inline-block;
  8971. margin-bottom: -4px;
  8972. }
  8973. /*!
  8974. *
  8975. * IPython tree view
  8976. *
  8977. */
  8978. /* We need an invisible input field on top of the sentense*/
  8979. /* "Drag file onto the list ..." */
  8980. .alternate_upload {
  8981. background-color: none;
  8982. display: inline;
  8983. }
  8984. .alternate_upload.form {
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  8997. .alternate_upload .btn-upload {
  8998. height: 22px;
  8999. }
  9000. /**
  9001. * Primary styles
  9002. *
  9003. * Author: Jupyter Development Team
  9004. */
  9005. [dir="rtl"] #tabs li {
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  9094. line-height: 22px;
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  9112. visibility: hidden;
  9113. }
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  9142. }
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  9226. }
  9227. .notebook_icon:before.pull-right {
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  9234. text-rendering: auto;
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  9244. }
  9245. .running_notebook_icon:before.pull-right {
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  9297. padding-bottom: 4px;
  9298. padding-left: 7px;
  9299. padding-right: 7px;
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  9310. margin-top: 0px;
  9311. margin-bottom: 0px;
  9312. border: 0px;
  9313. border-radius: 0px;
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  9316. border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
  9317. }
  9318. #running .panel-group .panel .panel-body .list_container .list_item:last-child {
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  9320. }
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  9326. }
  9327. .duplicate-button {
  9328. display: none;
  9329. }
  9330. .rename-button {
  9331. display: none;
  9332. }
  9333. .shutdown-button {
  9334. display: none;
  9335. }
  9336. .dynamic-instructions {
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  9338. padding-top: 4px;
  9339. }
  9340. /*!
  9341. *
  9342. * IPython text editor webapp
  9343. *
  9344. */
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  9361. header */
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  9461. }
  9462. /*!
  9463. *
  9464. * IPython notebook
  9465. *
  9466. */
  9467. /* CSS font colors for translated ANSI colors. */
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  9470. }
  9471. /* use dark versions for foreground, to improve visibility */
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  9473. color: black;
  9474. }
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  9476. color: darkred;
  9477. }
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  9492. }
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  9499. }
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  9502. }
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  9505. }
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  9511. }
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  9517. }
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  9544. padding: 5px;
  9545. /* This acts as a spacer between cells, that is outside the border */
  9546. margin: 0px;
  9547. outline: none;
  9548. border-left-width: 1px;
  9549. padding-left: 5px;
  9550. background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent -40px, transparent 1px, transparent 1px, transparent 100%);
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  9556. padding-left: 5px;
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  9558. border-right-width: 1px;
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  9565. }
  9566. div.cell.selected {
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  9579. padding-left: 6px;
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  9581. }
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  9583. border-color: #66BB6A;
  9584. border-left-width: 0px;
  9585. padding-left: 6px;
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  9588. @media print {
  9589. .edit_mode div.cell.selected {
  9590. border-color: transparent;
  9591. }
  9592. }
  9593. .prompt {
  9594. /* This needs to be wide enough for 3 digit prompt numbers: In[100]: */
  9595. min-width: 14ex;
  9596. /* This padding is tuned to match the padding on the CodeMirror editor. */
  9597. padding: 0.4em;
  9598. margin: 0px;
  9599. font-family: monospace;
  9600. text-align: right;
  9601. /* This has to match that of the the CodeMirror class line-height below */
  9602. line-height: 1.21429em;
  9603. /* Don't highlight prompt number selection */
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  9605. -webkit-user-select: none;
  9606. -khtml-user-select: none;
  9607. -moz-user-select: none;
  9608. -ms-user-select: none;
  9609. user-select: none;
  9610. /* Use default cursor */
  9611. cursor: default;
  9612. }
  9613. @media (max-width: 540px) {
  9614. .prompt {
  9615. text-align: left;
  9616. }
  9617. }
  9618. div.inner_cell {
  9619. min-width: 0;
  9620. /* Old browsers */
  9621. display: -webkit-box;
  9622. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  9623. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  9624. display: -moz-box;
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  9626. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9627. display: box;
  9628. box-orient: vertical;
  9629. box-align: stretch;
  9630. /* Modern browsers */
  9631. display: flex;
  9632. flex-direction: column;
  9633. align-items: stretch;
  9634. /* Old browsers */
  9635. -webkit-box-flex: 1;
  9636. -moz-box-flex: 1;
  9637. box-flex: 1;
  9638. /* Modern browsers */
  9639. flex: 1;
  9640. }
  9641. /* input_area and input_prompt must match in top border and margin for alignment */
  9642. div.input_area {
  9643. border: 1px solid #cfcfcf;
  9644. border-radius: 2px;
  9645. background: #f7f7f7;
  9646. line-height: 1.21429em;
  9647. }
  9648. /* This is needed so that empty prompt areas can collapse to zero height when there
  9649. is no content in the output_subarea and the prompt. The main purpose of this is
  9650. to make sure that empty JavaScript output_subareas have no height. */
  9651. div.prompt:empty {
  9652. padding-top: 0;
  9653. padding-bottom: 0;
  9654. }
  9655. div.unrecognized_cell {
  9656. padding: 5px 5px 5px 0px;
  9657. /* Old browsers */
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  9660. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  9661. display: -moz-box;
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  9663. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9664. display: box;
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  9666. box-align: stretch;
  9667. /* Modern browsers */
  9668. display: flex;
  9669. flex-direction: row;
  9670. align-items: stretch;
  9671. }
  9672. div.unrecognized_cell .inner_cell {
  9673. border-radius: 2px;
  9674. padding: 5px;
  9675. font-weight: bold;
  9676. color: red;
  9677. border: 1px solid #cfcfcf;
  9678. background: #eaeaea;
  9679. }
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  9681. color: inherit;
  9682. text-decoration: none;
  9683. }
  9684. div.unrecognized_cell .inner_cell a:hover {
  9685. color: inherit;
  9686. text-decoration: none;
  9687. }
  9688. @media (max-width: 540px) {
  9689. div.unrecognized_cell > div.prompt {
  9690. display: none;
  9691. }
  9692. }
  9693. div.code_cell {
  9694. /* avoid page breaking on code cells when printing */
  9695. }
  9696. @media print {
  9697. div.code_cell {
  9698. page-break-inside: avoid;
  9699. }
  9700. }
  9701. /* any special styling for code cells that are currently running goes here */
  9702. div.input {
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  9704. /* Old browsers */
  9705. display: -webkit-box;
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  9709. -moz-box-orient: horizontal;
  9710. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9711. display: box;
  9712. box-orient: horizontal;
  9713. box-align: stretch;
  9714. /* Modern browsers */
  9715. display: flex;
  9716. flex-direction: row;
  9717. align-items: stretch;
  9718. }
  9719. @media (max-width: 540px) {
  9720. div.input {
  9721. /* Old browsers */
  9722. display: -webkit-box;
  9723. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  9724. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  9725. display: -moz-box;
  9726. -moz-box-orient: vertical;
  9727. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9728. display: box;
  9729. box-orient: vertical;
  9730. box-align: stretch;
  9731. /* Modern browsers */
  9732. display: flex;
  9733. flex-direction: column;
  9734. align-items: stretch;
  9735. }
  9736. }
  9737. /* input_area and input_prompt must match in top border and margin for alignment */
  9738. div.input_prompt {
  9739. color: #303F9F;
  9740. border-top: 1px solid transparent;
  9741. }
  9742. div.input_area > div.highlight {
  9743. margin: 0.4em;
  9744. border: none;
  9745. padding: 0px;
  9746. background-color: transparent;
  9747. }
  9748. div.input_area > div.highlight > pre {
  9749. margin: 0px;
  9750. border: none;
  9751. padding: 0px;
  9752. background-color: transparent;
  9753. }
  9754. /* The following gets added to the <head> if it is detected that the user has a
  9755. * monospace font with inconsistent normal/bold/italic height. See
  9756. * notebookmain.js. Such fonts will have keywords vertically offset with
  9757. * respect to the rest of the text. The user should select a better font.
  9758. * See:
  9759. *
  9760. * .CodeMirror span {
  9761. * vertical-align: bottom;
  9762. * }
  9763. */
  9764. .CodeMirror {
  9765. line-height: 1.21429em;
  9766. /* Changed from 1em to our global default */
  9767. font-size: 14px;
  9768. height: auto;
  9769. /* Changed to auto to autogrow */
  9770. background: none;
  9771. /* Changed from white to allow our bg to show through */
  9772. }
  9773. .CodeMirror-scroll {
  9774. /* The CodeMirror docs are a bit fuzzy on if overflow-y should be hidden or visible.*/
  9775. /* We have found that if it is visible, vertical scrollbars appear with font size changes.*/
  9776. overflow-y: hidden;
  9777. overflow-x: auto;
  9778. }
  9779. .CodeMirror-lines {
  9780. /* In CM2, this used to be 0.4em, but in CM3 it went to 4px. We need the em value because */
  9781. /* we have set a different line-height and want this to scale with that. */
  9782. padding: 0.4em;
  9783. }
  9784. .CodeMirror-linenumber {
  9785. padding: 0 8px 0 4px;
  9786. }
  9787. .CodeMirror-gutters {
  9788. border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
  9789. border-top-left-radius: 2px;
  9790. }
  9791. .CodeMirror pre {
  9792. /* In CM3 this went to 4px from 0 in CM2. We need the 0 value because of how we size */
  9793. /* .CodeMirror-lines */
  9794. padding: 0;
  9795. border: 0;
  9796. border-radius: 0;
  9797. }
  9798. /*
  9799. Original style from (c) Ivan Sagalaev <Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org>
  9800. Adapted from GitHub theme
  9801. */
  9802. .highlight-base {
  9803. color: #000;
  9804. }
  9805. .highlight-variable {
  9806. color: #000;
  9807. }
  9808. .highlight-variable-2 {
  9809. color: #1a1a1a;
  9810. }
  9811. .highlight-variable-3 {
  9812. color: #333333;
  9813. }
  9814. .highlight-string {
  9815. color: #BA2121;
  9816. }
  9817. .highlight-comment {
  9818. color: #408080;
  9819. font-style: italic;
  9820. }
  9821. .highlight-number {
  9822. color: #080;
  9823. }
  9824. .highlight-atom {
  9825. color: #88F;
  9826. }
  9827. .highlight-keyword {
  9828. color: #008000;
  9829. font-weight: bold;
  9830. }
  9831. .highlight-builtin {
  9832. color: #008000;
  9833. }
  9834. .highlight-error {
  9835. color: #f00;
  9836. }
  9837. .highlight-operator {
  9838. color: #AA22FF;
  9839. font-weight: bold;
  9840. }
  9841. .highlight-meta {
  9842. color: #AA22FF;
  9843. }
  9844. /* previously not defined, copying from default codemirror */
  9845. .highlight-def {
  9846. color: #00f;
  9847. }
  9848. .highlight-string-2 {
  9849. color: #f50;
  9850. }
  9851. .highlight-qualifier {
  9852. color: #555;
  9853. }
  9854. .highlight-bracket {
  9855. color: #997;
  9856. }
  9857. .highlight-tag {
  9858. color: #170;
  9859. }
  9860. .highlight-attribute {
  9861. color: #00c;
  9862. }
  9863. .highlight-header {
  9864. color: blue;
  9865. }
  9866. .highlight-quote {
  9867. color: #090;
  9868. }
  9869. .highlight-link {
  9870. color: #00c;
  9871. }
  9872. /* apply the same style to codemirror */
  9873. .cm-s-ipython {
  9874. color: #008000;
  9875. font-weight: bold;
  9876. }
  9877. .cm-s-ipython {
  9878. color: #88F;
  9879. }
  9880. .cm-s-ipython {
  9881. color: #080;
  9882. }
  9883. .cm-s-ipython {
  9884. color: #00f;
  9885. }
  9886. .cm-s-ipython {
  9887. color: #000;
  9888. }
  9889. .cm-s-ipython {
  9890. color: #AA22FF;
  9891. font-weight: bold;
  9892. }
  9893. .cm-s-ipython {
  9894. color: #1a1a1a;
  9895. }
  9896. .cm-s-ipython {
  9897. color: #333333;
  9898. }
  9899. .cm-s-ipython {
  9900. color: #408080;
  9901. font-style: italic;
  9902. }
  9903. .cm-s-ipython {
  9904. color: #BA2121;
  9905. }
  9906. .cm-s-ipython {
  9907. color: #f50;
  9908. }
  9909. .cm-s-ipython {
  9910. color: #AA22FF;
  9911. }
  9912. .cm-s-ipython {
  9913. color: #555;
  9914. }
  9915. .cm-s-ipython {
  9916. color: #008000;
  9917. }
  9918. .cm-s-ipython {
  9919. color: #997;
  9920. }
  9921. .cm-s-ipython {
  9922. color: #170;
  9923. }
  9924. .cm-s-ipython {
  9925. color: #00c;
  9926. }
  9927. .cm-s-ipython {
  9928. color: blue;
  9929. }
  9930. .cm-s-ipython {
  9931. color: #090;
  9932. }
  9933. .cm-s-ipython {
  9934. color: #00c;
  9935. }
  9936. .cm-s-ipython {
  9937. color: #f00;
  9938. }
  9939. .cm-s-ipython {
  9940. background: url();
  9941. background-position: right;
  9942. background-repeat: no-repeat;
  9943. }
  9944. div.output_wrapper {
  9945. /* this position must be relative to enable descendents to be absolute within it */
  9946. position: relative;
  9947. /* Old browsers */
  9948. display: -webkit-box;
  9949. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  9950. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  9951. display: -moz-box;
  9952. -moz-box-orient: vertical;
  9953. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9954. display: box;
  9955. box-orient: vertical;
  9956. box-align: stretch;
  9957. /* Modern browsers */
  9958. display: flex;
  9959. flex-direction: column;
  9960. align-items: stretch;
  9961. z-index: 1;
  9962. }
  9963. /* class for the output area when it should be height-limited */
  9964. div.output_scroll {
  9965. /* ideally, this would be max-height, but FF barfs all over that */
  9966. height: 24em;
  9967. /* FF needs this *and the wrapper* to specify full width, or it will shrinkwrap */
  9968. width: 100%;
  9969. overflow: auto;
  9970. border-radius: 2px;
  9971. -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  9972. box-shadow: inset 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  9973. display: block;
  9974. }
  9975. /* output div while it is collapsed */
  9976. div.output_collapsed {
  9977. margin: 0px;
  9978. padding: 0px;
  9979. /* Old browsers */
  9980. display: -webkit-box;
  9981. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  9982. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  9983. display: -moz-box;
  9984. -moz-box-orient: vertical;
  9985. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  9986. display: box;
  9987. box-orient: vertical;
  9988. box-align: stretch;
  9989. /* Modern browsers */
  9990. display: flex;
  9991. flex-direction: column;
  9992. align-items: stretch;
  9993. }
  9994. div.out_prompt_overlay {
  9995. height: 100%;
  9996. padding: 0px 0.4em;
  9997. position: absolute;
  9998. border-radius: 2px;
  9999. }
  10000. div.out_prompt_overlay:hover {
  10001. /* use inner shadow to get border that is computed the same on WebKit/FF */
  10002. -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #000;
  10003. box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #000;
  10004. background: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.5);
  10005. }
  10006. div.output_prompt {
  10007. color: #D84315;
  10008. }
  10009. /* This class is the outer container of all output sections. */
  10010. div.output_area {
  10011. padding: 0px;
  10012. page-break-inside: avoid;
  10013. /* Old browsers */
  10014. display: -webkit-box;
  10015. -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
  10016. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  10017. display: -moz-box;
  10018. -moz-box-orient: horizontal;
  10019. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  10020. display: box;
  10021. box-orient: horizontal;
  10022. box-align: stretch;
  10023. /* Modern browsers */
  10024. display: flex;
  10025. flex-direction: row;
  10026. align-items: stretch;
  10027. }
  10028. div.output_area .MathJax_Display {
  10029. text-align: left !important;
  10030. }
  10031. div.output_area .rendered_html table {
  10032. margin-left: 0;
  10033. margin-right: 0;
  10034. }
  10035. div.output_area .rendered_html img {
  10036. margin-left: 0;
  10037. margin-right: 0;
  10038. }
  10039. div.output_area img,
  10040. div.output_area svg {
  10041. max-width: 100%;
  10042. height: auto;
  10043. }
  10044. div.output_area img.unconfined,
  10045. div.output_area svg.unconfined {
  10046. max-width: none;
  10047. }
  10048. /* This is needed to protect the pre formating from global settings such
  10049. as that of bootstrap */
  10050. .output {
  10051. /* Old browsers */
  10052. display: -webkit-box;
  10053. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  10054. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  10055. display: -moz-box;
  10056. -moz-box-orient: vertical;
  10057. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  10058. display: box;
  10059. box-orient: vertical;
  10060. box-align: stretch;
  10061. /* Modern browsers */
  10062. display: flex;
  10063. flex-direction: column;
  10064. align-items: stretch;
  10065. }
  10066. @media (max-width: 540px) {
  10067. div.output_area {
  10068. /* Old browsers */
  10069. display: -webkit-box;
  10070. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  10071. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  10072. display: -moz-box;
  10073. -moz-box-orient: vertical;
  10074. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  10075. display: box;
  10076. box-orient: vertical;
  10077. box-align: stretch;
  10078. /* Modern browsers */
  10079. display: flex;
  10080. flex-direction: column;
  10081. align-items: stretch;
  10082. }
  10083. }
  10084. div.output_area pre {
  10085. margin: 0;
  10086. padding: 0;
  10087. border: 0;
  10088. vertical-align: baseline;
  10089. color: black;
  10090. background-color: transparent;
  10091. border-radius: 0;
  10092. }
  10093. /* This class is for the output subarea inside the output_area and after
  10094. the prompt div. */
  10095. div.output_subarea {
  10096. overflow-x: auto;
  10097. padding: 0.4em;
  10098. /* Old browsers */
  10099. -webkit-box-flex: 1;
  10100. -moz-box-flex: 1;
  10101. box-flex: 1;
  10102. /* Modern browsers */
  10103. flex: 1;
  10104. max-width: calc(100% - 14ex);
  10105. }
  10106. div.output_scroll div.output_subarea {
  10107. overflow-x: visible;
  10108. }
  10109. /* The rest of the output_* classes are for special styling of the different
  10110. output types */
  10111. /* all text output has this class: */
  10112. div.output_text {
  10113. text-align: left;
  10114. color: #000;
  10115. /* This has to match that of the the CodeMirror class line-height below */
  10116. line-height: 1.21429em;
  10117. }
  10118. /* stdout/stderr are 'text' as well as 'stream', but execute_result/error are *not* streams */
  10119. div.output_stderr {
  10120. background: #fdd;
  10121. /* very light red background for stderr */
  10122. }
  10123. div.output_latex {
  10124. text-align: left;
  10125. }
  10126. /* Empty output_javascript divs should have no height */
  10127. div.output_javascript:empty {
  10128. padding: 0;
  10129. }
  10130. .js-error {
  10131. color: darkred;
  10132. }
  10133. /* raw_input styles */
  10134. div.raw_input_container {
  10135. line-height: 1.21429em;
  10136. padding-top: 5px;
  10137. }
  10138. pre.raw_input_prompt {
  10139. /* nothing needed here. */
  10140. }
  10141. input.raw_input {
  10142. font-family: monospace;
  10143. font-size: inherit;
  10144. color: inherit;
  10145. width: auto;
  10146. /* make sure input baseline aligns with prompt */
  10147. vertical-align: baseline;
  10148. /* padding + margin = 0.5em between prompt and cursor */
  10149. padding: 0em 0.25em;
  10150. margin: 0em 0.25em;
  10151. }
  10152. input.raw_input:focus {
  10153. box-shadow: none;
  10154. }
  10155. p.p-space {
  10156. margin-bottom: 10px;
  10157. }
  10158. div.output_unrecognized {
  10159. padding: 5px;
  10160. font-weight: bold;
  10161. color: red;
  10162. }
  10163. div.output_unrecognized a {
  10164. color: inherit;
  10165. text-decoration: none;
  10166. }
  10167. div.output_unrecognized a:hover {
  10168. color: inherit;
  10169. text-decoration: none;
  10170. }
  10171. .rendered_html {
  10172. color: #000;
  10173. /* any extras will just be numbers: */
  10174. }
  10175. .rendered_html em {
  10176. font-style: italic;
  10177. }
  10178. .rendered_html strong {
  10179. font-weight: bold;
  10180. }
  10181. .rendered_html u {
  10182. text-decoration: underline;
  10183. }
  10184. .rendered_html :link {
  10185. text-decoration: underline;
  10186. }
  10187. .rendered_html :visited {
  10188. text-decoration: underline;
  10189. }
  10190. .rendered_html h1 {
  10191. font-size: 185.7%;
  10192. margin: 1.08em 0 0 0;
  10193. font-weight: bold;
  10194. line-height: 1.0;
  10195. }
  10196. .rendered_html h2 {
  10197. font-size: 157.1%;
  10198. margin: 1.27em 0 0 0;
  10199. font-weight: bold;
  10200. line-height: 1.0;
  10201. }
  10202. .rendered_html h3 {
  10203. font-size: 128.6%;
  10204. margin: 1.55em 0 0 0;
  10205. font-weight: bold;
  10206. line-height: 1.0;
  10207. }
  10208. .rendered_html h4 {
  10209. font-size: 100%;
  10210. margin: 2em 0 0 0;
  10211. font-weight: bold;
  10212. line-height: 1.0;
  10213. }
  10214. .rendered_html h5 {
  10215. font-size: 100%;
  10216. margin: 2em 0 0 0;
  10217. font-weight: bold;
  10218. line-height: 1.0;
  10219. font-style: italic;
  10220. }
  10221. .rendered_html h6 {
  10222. font-size: 100%;
  10223. margin: 2em 0 0 0;
  10224. font-weight: bold;
  10225. line-height: 1.0;
  10226. font-style: italic;
  10227. }
  10228. .rendered_html h1:first-child {
  10229. margin-top: 0.538em;
  10230. }
  10231. .rendered_html h2:first-child {
  10232. margin-top: 0.636em;
  10233. }
  10234. .rendered_html h3:first-child {
  10235. margin-top: 0.777em;
  10236. }
  10237. .rendered_html h4:first-child {
  10238. margin-top: 1em;
  10239. }
  10240. .rendered_html h5:first-child {
  10241. margin-top: 1em;
  10242. }
  10243. .rendered_html h6:first-child {
  10244. margin-top: 1em;
  10245. }
  10246. .rendered_html ul {
  10247. list-style: disc;
  10248. margin: 0em 2em;
  10249. padding-left: 0px;
  10250. }
  10251. .rendered_html ul ul {
  10252. list-style: square;
  10253. margin: 0em 2em;
  10254. }
  10255. .rendered_html ul ul ul {
  10256. list-style: circle;
  10257. margin: 0em 2em;
  10258. }
  10259. .rendered_html ol {
  10260. list-style: decimal;
  10261. margin: 0em 2em;
  10262. padding-left: 0px;
  10263. }
  10264. .rendered_html ol ol {
  10265. list-style: upper-alpha;
  10266. margin: 0em 2em;
  10267. }
  10268. .rendered_html ol ol ol {
  10269. list-style: lower-alpha;
  10270. margin: 0em 2em;
  10271. }
  10272. .rendered_html ol ol ol ol {
  10273. list-style: lower-roman;
  10274. margin: 0em 2em;
  10275. }
  10276. .rendered_html ol ol ol ol ol {
  10277. list-style: decimal;
  10278. margin: 0em 2em;
  10279. }
  10280. .rendered_html * + ul {
  10281. margin-top: 1em;
  10282. }
  10283. .rendered_html * + ol {
  10284. margin-top: 1em;
  10285. }
  10286. .rendered_html hr {
  10287. color: black;
  10288. background-color: black;
  10289. }
  10290. .rendered_html pre {
  10291. margin: 1em 2em;
  10292. }
  10293. .rendered_html pre,
  10294. .rendered_html code {
  10295. border: 0;
  10296. background-color: #fff;
  10297. color: #000;
  10298. font-size: 100%;
  10299. padding: 0px;
  10300. }
  10301. .rendered_html blockquote {
  10302. margin: 1em 2em;
  10303. }
  10304. .rendered_html table {
  10305. margin-left: auto;
  10306. margin-right: auto;
  10307. border: 1px solid black;
  10308. border-collapse: collapse;
  10309. }
  10310. .rendered_html tr,
  10311. .rendered_html th,
  10312. .rendered_html td {
  10313. border: 1px solid black;
  10314. border-collapse: collapse;
  10315. margin: 1em 2em;
  10316. }
  10317. .rendered_html td,
  10318. .rendered_html th {
  10319. text-align: left;
  10320. vertical-align: middle;
  10321. padding: 4px;
  10322. }
  10323. .rendered_html th {
  10324. font-weight: bold;
  10325. }
  10326. .rendered_html * + table {
  10327. margin-top: 1em;
  10328. }
  10329. .rendered_html p {
  10330. text-align: left;
  10331. }
  10332. .rendered_html * + p {
  10333. margin-top: 1em;
  10334. }
  10335. .rendered_html img {
  10336. display: block;
  10337. margin-left: auto;
  10338. margin-right: auto;
  10339. }
  10340. .rendered_html * + img {
  10341. margin-top: 1em;
  10342. }
  10343. .rendered_html img,
  10344. .rendered_html svg {
  10345. max-width: 100%;
  10346. height: auto;
  10347. }
  10348. .rendered_html img.unconfined,
  10349. .rendered_html svg.unconfined {
  10350. max-width: none;
  10351. }
  10352. div.text_cell {
  10353. /* Old browsers */
  10354. display: -webkit-box;
  10355. -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
  10356. -webkit-box-align: stretch;
  10357. display: -moz-box;
  10358. -moz-box-orient: horizontal;
  10359. -moz-box-align: stretch;
  10360. display: box;
  10361. box-orient: horizontal;
  10362. box-align: stretch;
  10363. /* Modern browsers */
  10364. display: flex;
  10365. flex-direction: row;
  10366. align-items: stretch;
  10367. }
  10368. @media (max-width: 540px) {
  10369. div.text_cell > div.prompt {
  10370. display: none;
  10371. }
  10372. }
  10373. div.text_cell_render {
  10374. /*font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;*/
  10375. outline: none;
  10376. resize: none;
  10377. width: inherit;
  10378. border-style: none;
  10379. padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.4em;
  10380. color: #000;
  10381. box-sizing: border-box;
  10382. -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  10383. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  10384. }
  10385. a.anchor-link:link {
  10386. text-decoration: none;
  10387. padding: 0px 20px;
  10388. visibility: hidden;
  10389. }
  10390. h1:hover .anchor-link,
  10391. h2:hover .anchor-link,
  10392. h3:hover .anchor-link,
  10393. h4:hover .anchor-link,
  10394. h5:hover .anchor-link,
  10395. h6:hover .anchor-link {
  10396. visibility: visible;
  10397. }
  10398. .text_cell.rendered .input_area {
  10399. display: none;
  10400. }
  10401. .text_cell.rendered .rendered_html {
  10402. overflow-x: auto;
  10403. overflow-y: hidden;
  10404. }
  10405. .text_cell.unrendered .text_cell_render {
  10406. display: none;
  10407. }
  10408. .cm-header-1,
  10409. .cm-header-2,
  10410. .cm-header-3,
  10411. .cm-header-4,
  10412. .cm-header-5,
  10413. .cm-header-6 {
  10414. font-weight: bold;
  10415. font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  10416. }
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  10437. /*!
  10438. *
  10439. * IPython notebook webapp
  10440. *
  10441. */
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  10474. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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  10505. /* Word-wrap output correctly. This is the CSS3 spelling, though Firefox seems
  10506. to not honor it correctly. Webkit browsers (Chrome, rekonq, Safari) do.
  10507. */
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  10546. border-bottom: none;
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  10566. /* Old browsers */
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  10569. box-pack: end;
  10570. /* Modern browsers */
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  10582. }
  10583. /* ctb_show is added to the ctb_hideshow div to show the cell toolbar.
  10584. Cell toolbars are only shown when the ctb_global_show class is also set.
  10585. */
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  10617. -o-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
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  10692. font-family: monospace;
  10693. font-size: 110%;
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  10786. #notification_area {
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  10798. z-index: 10;
  10799. text-align: center;
  10800. width: auto;
  10801. }
  10802. #kernel_indicator {
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  10804. float: right;
  10805. color: #777;
  10806. margin-left: 5px;
  10807. margin-right: 5px;
  10808. width: 11px;
  10809. z-index: 10;
  10810. text-align: center;
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  10822. margin-left: 5px;
  10823. margin-right: 5px;
  10824. width: 11px;
  10825. z-index: 10;
  10826. text-align: center;
  10827. width: auto;
  10828. }
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  10831. float: right;
  10832. color: #777;
  10833. margin-left: 5px;
  10834. margin-right: 5px;
  10835. width: 11px;
  10836. z-index: 10;
  10837. text-align: center;
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  10871. content: ' ';
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  10875. }
  10876. .command_mode .modal_indicator:before.pull-right {
  10877. margin-left: .3em;
  10878. }
  10879. .kernel_idle_icon:before {
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  10881. font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
  10882. font-size: inherit;
  10883. text-rendering: auto;
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  10888. .kernel_idle_icon:before.pull-left {
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  10890. }
  10891. .kernel_idle_icon:before.pull-right {
  10892. margin-left: .3em;
  10893. }
  10894. .kernel_busy_icon:before {
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  10905. }
  10906. .kernel_busy_icon:before.pull-right {
  10907. margin-left: .3em;
  10908. }
  10909. .kernel_dead_icon:before {
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  10911. font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
  10912. font-size: inherit;
  10913. text-rendering: auto;
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  10920. }
  10921. .kernel_dead_icon:before.pull-right {
  10922. margin-left: .3em;
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  11413. /**
  11414. * Primary styles
  11415. *
  11416. * Author: Jupyter Development Team
  11417. */
  11418. /** WARNING IF YOU ARE EDITTING THIS FILE, if this is a .css file, It has a lot
  11419. * of chance of beeing generated from the ../less/[samename].less file, you can
  11420. * try to get back the less file by reverting somme commit in history
  11421. **/
  11422. /*
  11423. * We'll try to get something pretty, so we
  11424. * have some strange css to have the scroll bar on
  11425. * the left with fix button on the top right of the tooltip
  11426. */
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  11497. animation: fadeOut 400ms;
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  11560. /** Firefox bug **/
  11561. /* see */
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  11593. }
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  11595. background-color: #FFCDD2;
  11596. border-color: #EF9A9A;
  11597. border-radius: 0px;
  11598. }
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  11834. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11835. <h1 id="Importing-Data-in-Pandas">Importing Data in Pandas<a class="anchor-link" href="#Importing-Data-in-Pandas">&#182;</a></h1><p>Pandas supports a number of data formats out of the box including:</p>
  11836. <ul>
  11837. <li>CSV, Excel</li>
  11838. <li>JSON</li>
  11839. <li>HDF5</li>
  11840. <li>SQL databases</li>
  11841. <li>and others</li>
  11842. </ul>
  11843. </div>
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  11845. </div></section><section>
  11846. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  11847. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  11848. </div>
  11849. <div class="inner_cell">
  11850. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11851. <p>The major benefit for using Pandas to load these data is</p>
  11852. <ul>
  11853. <li>it provides a simple, consistent mechanism for each of them and loads them directly into the Pandas DataFrame </li>
  11854. <li>reducing the need to go elsewhere to perform the same operations with more code or overhead.</li>
  11855. </ul>
  11856. <p>Pandas I/O supports loading these data formats directly from local storage or using a URL containing such data.</p>
  11857. </div>
  11858. </div>
  11859. </div></section></section><section><section>
  11860. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  11861. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  11862. </div>
  11863. <div class="inner_cell">
  11864. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11865. <h2 id="Importing-Pandas">Importing Pandas<a class="anchor-link" href="#Importing-Pandas">&#182;</a></h2><p>You will most often load the Pandas library with the following line:</p>
  11866. </div>
  11867. </div>
  11868. </div><div class="fragment">
  11869. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  11870. <div class="input">
  11871. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[1]:</div>
  11872. <div class="inner_cell">
  11873. <div class="input_area">
  11874. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">pandas</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="nn">pd</span>
  11875. </pre></div>
  11876. </div>
  11877. </div>
  11878. </div>
  11879. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  11880. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  11881. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  11882. </div>
  11883. <div class="inner_cell">
  11884. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11885. <h2 id="Loading-CSV-and-Excel">Loading CSV and Excel<a class="anchor-link" href="#Loading-CSV-and-Excel">&#182;</a></h2><h3 id="CSV">CSV<a class="anchor-link" href="#CSV">&#182;</a></h3><p>CSV files are still a staple in data file formats. They're portable, flexible, flat, usually easy to parse and ubiquitous. We will begin by showing how to use Pandas to load CSV directly into a DataFrame.</p>
  11886. </div>
  11887. </div>
  11888. </div></section><section>
  11889. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  11890. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  11891. </div>
  11892. <div class="inner_cell">
  11893. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11894. <p><strong>DATA SOURCE</strong></p>
  11895. <p>US Baseball Statistics Archive by Sean Lahman (CCBY-SA 3.0):</p>
  11896. <ul>
  11897. <li><a href=""></a></li>
  11898. <li><a href=""></a></li>
  11899. </ul>
  11900. <p>We have put the dataset for <a href="./datasets/Batting.csv">batting data</a> into our local <code>datasets</code> folder.</p>
  11901. <p>Loading this into a Pandas DataFrame will require us to use the <a href=""><code>read_csv</code></a> function, which will attempt to load the CSV data directly into the DataFrame.</p>
  11902. </div>
  11903. </div>
  11904. </div></section></section><section><section>
  11905. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  11906. <div class="input">
  11907. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[2]:</div>
  11908. <div class="inner_cell">
  11909. <div class="input_area">
  11910. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">read_csv</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s2">&quot;./datasets/Batting.csv&quot;</span><span class="p">)</span>
  11911. </pre></div>
  11912. </div>
  11913. </div>
  11914. </div>
  11915. </div></section></section><section><section>
  11916. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  11917. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  11918. </div>
  11919. <div class="inner_cell">
  11920. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  11921. <p>If we inspect this DataFrame, will get exactly what we expect -- each line corresponding to the row in file. <strong>NOTE</strong>: where there are missing values, Pandas will automatically fill the data with <code>NaN</code>.</p>
  11922. </div>
  11923. </div>
  11924. </div></section><section>
  11925. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  11926. <div class="input">
  11927. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[3]:</div>
  11928. <div class="inner_cell">
  11929. <div class="input_area">
  11930. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span>
  11931. </pre></div>
  11932. </div>
  11933. </div>
  11934. </div>
  11935. <div class="output_wrapper">
  11936. <div class="output">
  11937. <div class="output_area">
  11938. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[3]:</div>
  11939. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  11940. <div>
  11941. <style>
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  11952. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  11953. <thead>
  11954. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  11955. <th></th>
  11956. <th>playerID</th>
  11957. <th>yearID</th>
  11958. <th>stint</th>
  11959. <th>teamID</th>
  11960. <th>lgID</th>
  11961. <th>G</th>
  11962. <th>AB</th>
  11963. <th>R</th>
  11964. <th>H</th>
  11965. <th>2B</th>
  11966. <th>...</th>
  11967. <th>RBI</th>
  11968. <th>SB</th>
  11969. <th>CS</th>
  11970. <th>BB</th>
  11971. <th>SO</th>
  11972. <th>IBB</th>
  11973. <th>HBP</th>
  11974. <th>SH</th>
  11975. <th>SF</th>
  11976. <th>GIDP</th>
  11977. </tr>
  11978. </thead>
  11979. <tbody>
  11980. <tr>
  11981. <th>0</th>
  11982. <td>abercda01</td>
  11983. <td>1871</td>
  11984. <td>1</td>
  11985. <td>TRO</td>
  11986. <td>NaN</td>
  11987. <td>1</td>
  11988. <td>4</td>
  11989. <td>0</td>
  11990. <td>0</td>
  11991. <td>0</td>
  11992. <td>...</td>
  11993. <td>0.0</td>
  11994. <td>0.0</td>
  11995. <td>0.0</td>
  11996. <td>0</td>
  11997. <td>0.0</td>
  11998. <td>NaN</td>
  11999. <td>NaN</td>
  12000. <td>NaN</td>
  12001. <td>NaN</td>
  12002. <td>NaN</td>
  12003. </tr>
  12004. <tr>
  12005. <th>1</th>
  12006. <td>addybo01</td>
  12007. <td>1871</td>
  12008. <td>1</td>
  12009. <td>RC1</td>
  12010. <td>NaN</td>
  12011. <td>25</td>
  12012. <td>118</td>
  12013. <td>30</td>
  12014. <td>32</td>
  12015. <td>6</td>
  12016. <td>...</td>
  12017. <td>13.0</td>
  12018. <td>8.0</td>
  12019. <td>1.0</td>
  12020. <td>4</td>
  12021. <td>0.0</td>
  12022. <td>NaN</td>
  12023. <td>NaN</td>
  12024. <td>NaN</td>
  12025. <td>NaN</td>
  12026. <td>NaN</td>
  12027. </tr>
  12028. <tr>
  12029. <th>2</th>
  12030. <td>allisar01</td>
  12031. <td>1871</td>
  12032. <td>1</td>
  12033. <td>CL1</td>
  12034. <td>NaN</td>
  12035. <td>29</td>
  12036. <td>137</td>
  12037. <td>28</td>
  12038. <td>40</td>
  12039. <td>4</td>
  12040. <td>...</td>
  12041. <td>19.0</td>
  12042. <td>3.0</td>
  12043. <td>1.0</td>
  12044. <td>2</td>
  12045. <td>5.0</td>
  12046. <td>NaN</td>
  12047. <td>NaN</td>
  12048. <td>NaN</td>
  12049. <td>NaN</td>
  12050. <td>NaN</td>
  12051. </tr>
  12052. <tr>
  12053. <th>3</th>
  12054. <td>allisdo01</td>
  12055. <td>1871</td>
  12056. <td>1</td>
  12057. <td>WS3</td>
  12058. <td>NaN</td>
  12059. <td>27</td>
  12060. <td>133</td>
  12061. <td>28</td>
  12062. <td>44</td>
  12063. <td>10</td>
  12064. <td>...</td>
  12065. <td>27.0</td>
  12066. <td>1.0</td>
  12067. <td>1.0</td>
  12068. <td>0</td>
  12069. <td>2.0</td>
  12070. <td>NaN</td>
  12071. <td>NaN</td>
  12072. <td>NaN</td>
  12073. <td>NaN</td>
  12074. <td>NaN</td>
  12075. </tr>
  12076. <tr>
  12077. <th>4</th>
  12078. <td>ansonca01</td>
  12079. <td>1871</td>
  12080. <td>1</td>
  12081. <td>RC1</td>
  12082. <td>NaN</td>
  12083. <td>25</td>
  12084. <td>120</td>
  12085. <td>29</td>
  12086. <td>39</td>
  12087. <td>11</td>
  12088. <td>...</td>
  12089. <td>16.0</td>
  12090. <td>6.0</td>
  12091. <td>2.0</td>
  12092. <td>2</td>
  12093. <td>1.0</td>
  12094. <td>NaN</td>
  12095. <td>NaN</td>
  12096. <td>NaN</td>
  12097. <td>NaN</td>
  12098. <td>NaN</td>
  12099. </tr>
  12100. <tr>
  12101. <th>5</th>
  12102. <td>armstbo01</td>
  12103. <td>1871</td>
  12104. <td>1</td>
  12105. <td>FW1</td>
  12106. <td>NaN</td>
  12107. <td>12</td>
  12108. <td>49</td>
  12109. <td>9</td>
  12110. <td>11</td>
  12111. <td>2</td>
  12112. <td>...</td>
  12113. <td>5.0</td>
  12114. <td>0.0</td>
  12115. <td>1.0</td>
  12116. <td>0</td>
  12117. <td>1.0</td>
  12118. <td>NaN</td>
  12119. <td>NaN</td>
  12120. <td>NaN</td>
  12121. <td>NaN</td>
  12122. <td>NaN</td>
  12123. </tr>
  12124. <tr>
  12125. <th>6</th>
  12126. <td>barkeal01</td>
  12127. <td>1871</td>
  12128. <td>1</td>
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  12130. <td>NaN</td>
  12131. <td>1</td>
  12132. <td>4</td>
  12133. <td>0</td>
  12134. <td>1</td>
  12135. <td>0</td>
  12136. <td>...</td>
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  12138. <td>0.0</td>
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  12140. <td>1</td>
  12141. <td>0.0</td>
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  12143. <td>NaN</td>
  12144. <td>NaN</td>
  12145. <td>NaN</td>
  12146. <td>NaN</td>
  12147. </tr>
  12148. <tr>
  12149. <th>7</th>
  12150. <td>barnero01</td>
  12151. <td>1871</td>
  12152. <td>1</td>
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  12154. <td>NaN</td>
  12155. <td>31</td>
  12156. <td>157</td>
  12157. <td>66</td>
  12158. <td>63</td>
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  12169. <td>NaN</td>
  12170. <td>NaN</td>
  12171. </tr>
  12172. <tr>
  12173. <th>8</th>
  12174. <td>barrebi01</td>
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  12178. <td>NaN</td>
  12179. <td>1</td>
  12180. <td>5</td>
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  12182. <td>1</td>
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  12188. <td>0</td>
  12189. <td>0.0</td>
  12190. <td>NaN</td>
  12191. <td>NaN</td>
  12192. <td>NaN</td>
  12193. <td>NaN</td>
  12194. <td>NaN</td>
  12195. </tr>
  12196. <tr>
  12197. <th>9</th>
  12198. <td>barrofr01</td>
  12199. <td>1871</td>
  12200. <td>1</td>
  12201. <td>BS1</td>
  12202. <td>NaN</td>
  12203. <td>18</td>
  12204. <td>86</td>
  12205. <td>13</td>
  12206. <td>13</td>
  12207. <td>2</td>
  12208. <td>...</td>
  12209. <td>11.0</td>
  12210. <td>1.0</td>
  12211. <td>0.0</td>
  12212. <td>0</td>
  12213. <td>0.0</td>
  12214. <td>NaN</td>
  12215. <td>NaN</td>
  12216. <td>NaN</td>
  12217. <td>NaN</td>
  12218. <td>NaN</td>
  12219. </tr>
  12220. <tr>
  12221. <th>10</th>
  12222. <td>bassjo01</td>
  12223. <td>1871</td>
  12224. <td>1</td>
  12225. <td>CL1</td>
  12226. <td>NaN</td>
  12227. <td>22</td>
  12228. <td>89</td>
  12229. <td>18</td>
  12230. <td>27</td>
  12231. <td>1</td>
  12232. <td>...</td>
  12233. <td>18.0</td>
  12234. <td>0.0</td>
  12235. <td>1.0</td>
  12236. <td>3</td>
  12237. <td>4.0</td>
  12238. <td>NaN</td>
  12239. <td>NaN</td>
  12240. <td>NaN</td>
  12241. <td>NaN</td>
  12242. <td>NaN</td>
  12243. </tr>
  12244. <tr>
  12245. <th>11</th>
  12246. <td>battijo01</td>
  12247. <td>1871</td>
  12248. <td>1</td>
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  12250. <td>NaN</td>
  12251. <td>1</td>
  12252. <td>3</td>
  12253. <td>0</td>
  12254. <td>0</td>
  12255. <td>0</td>
  12256. <td>...</td>
  12257. <td>0.0</td>
  12258. <td>0.0</td>
  12259. <td>0.0</td>
  12260. <td>1</td>
  12261. <td>0.0</td>
  12262. <td>NaN</td>
  12263. <td>NaN</td>
  12264. <td>NaN</td>
  12265. <td>NaN</td>
  12266. <td>NaN</td>
  12267. </tr>
  12268. <tr>
  12269. <th>12</th>
  12270. <td>bealsto01</td>
  12271. <td>1871</td>
  12272. <td>1</td>
  12273. <td>WS3</td>
  12274. <td>NaN</td>
  12275. <td>10</td>
  12276. <td>36</td>
  12277. <td>6</td>
  12278. <td>7</td>
  12279. <td>0</td>
  12280. <td>...</td>
  12281. <td>1.0</td>
  12282. <td>2.0</td>
  12283. <td>0.0</td>
  12284. <td>2</td>
  12285. <td>0.0</td>
  12286. <td>NaN</td>
  12287. <td>NaN</td>
  12288. <td>NaN</td>
  12289. <td>NaN</td>
  12290. <td>NaN</td>
  12291. </tr>
  12292. <tr>
  12293. <th>13</th>
  12294. <td>beaveed01</td>
  12295. <td>1871</td>
  12296. <td>1</td>
  12297. <td>TRO</td>
  12298. <td>NaN</td>
  12299. <td>3</td>
  12300. <td>15</td>
  12301. <td>7</td>
  12302. <td>6</td>
  12303. <td>0</td>
  12304. <td>...</td>
  12305. <td>5.0</td>
  12306. <td>2.0</td>
  12307. <td>0.0</td>
  12308. <td>0</td>
  12309. <td>0.0</td>
  12310. <td>NaN</td>
  12311. <td>NaN</td>
  12312. <td>NaN</td>
  12313. <td>NaN</td>
  12314. <td>NaN</td>
  12315. </tr>
  12316. <tr>
  12317. <th>14</th>
  12318. <td>bechtge01</td>
  12319. <td>1871</td>
  12320. <td>1</td>
  12321. <td>PH1</td>
  12322. <td>NaN</td>
  12323. <td>20</td>
  12324. <td>94</td>
  12325. <td>24</td>
  12326. <td>33</td>
  12327. <td>9</td>
  12328. <td>...</td>
  12329. <td>21.0</td>
  12330. <td>4.0</td>
  12331. <td>0.0</td>
  12332. <td>2</td>
  12333. <td>2.0</td>
  12334. <td>NaN</td>
  12335. <td>NaN</td>
  12336. <td>NaN</td>
  12337. <td>NaN</td>
  12338. <td>NaN</td>
  12339. </tr>
  12340. <tr>
  12341. <th>15</th>
  12342. <td>bellast01</td>
  12343. <td>1871</td>
  12344. <td>1</td>
  12345. <td>TRO</td>
  12346. <td>NaN</td>
  12347. <td>29</td>
  12348. <td>128</td>
  12349. <td>26</td>
  12350. <td>32</td>
  12351. <td>3</td>
  12352. <td>...</td>
  12353. <td>23.0</td>
  12354. <td>4.0</td>
  12355. <td>4.0</td>
  12356. <td>9</td>
  12357. <td>2.0</td>
  12358. <td>NaN</td>
  12359. <td>NaN</td>
  12360. <td>NaN</td>
  12361. <td>NaN</td>
  12362. <td>NaN</td>
  12363. </tr>
  12364. <tr>
  12365. <th>16</th>
  12366. <td>berkena01</td>
  12367. <td>1871</td>
  12368. <td>1</td>
  12369. <td>PH1</td>
  12370. <td>NaN</td>
  12371. <td>1</td>
  12372. <td>4</td>
  12373. <td>0</td>
  12374. <td>0</td>
  12375. <td>0</td>
  12376. <td>...</td>
  12377. <td>0.0</td>
  12378. <td>0.0</td>
  12379. <td>0.0</td>
  12380. <td>0</td>
  12381. <td>3.0</td>
  12382. <td>NaN</td>
  12383. <td>NaN</td>
  12384. <td>NaN</td>
  12385. <td>NaN</td>
  12386. <td>NaN</td>
  12387. </tr>
  12388. <tr>
  12389. <th>17</th>
  12390. <td>berryto01</td>
  12391. <td>1871</td>
  12392. <td>1</td>
  12393. <td>PH1</td>
  12394. <td>NaN</td>
  12395. <td>1</td>
  12396. <td>4</td>
  12397. <td>0</td>
  12398. <td>1</td>
  12399. <td>0</td>
  12400. <td>...</td>
  12401. <td>0.0</td>
  12402. <td>0.0</td>
  12403. <td>0.0</td>
  12404. <td>0</td>
  12405. <td>0.0</td>
  12406. <td>NaN</td>
  12407. <td>NaN</td>
  12408. <td>NaN</td>
  12409. <td>NaN</td>
  12410. <td>NaN</td>
  12411. </tr>
  12412. <tr>
  12413. <th>18</th>
  12414. <td>berthha01</td>
  12415. <td>1871</td>
  12416. <td>1</td>
  12417. <td>WS3</td>
  12418. <td>NaN</td>
  12419. <td>17</td>
  12420. <td>73</td>
  12421. <td>17</td>
  12422. <td>17</td>
  12423. <td>1</td>
  12424. <td>...</td>
  12425. <td>8.0</td>
  12426. <td>3.0</td>
  12427. <td>1.0</td>
  12428. <td>4</td>
  12429. <td>2.0</td>
  12430. <td>NaN</td>
  12431. <td>NaN</td>
  12432. <td>NaN</td>
  12433. <td>NaN</td>
  12434. <td>NaN</td>
  12435. </tr>
  12436. <tr>
  12437. <th>19</th>
  12438. <td>biermch01</td>
  12439. <td>1871</td>
  12440. <td>1</td>
  12441. <td>FW1</td>
  12442. <td>NaN</td>
  12443. <td>1</td>
  12444. <td>2</td>
  12445. <td>0</td>
  12446. <td>0</td>
  12447. <td>0</td>
  12448. <td>...</td>
  12449. <td>0.0</td>
  12450. <td>0.0</td>
  12451. <td>0.0</td>
  12452. <td>1</td>
  12453. <td>0.0</td>
  12454. <td>NaN</td>
  12455. <td>NaN</td>
  12456. <td>NaN</td>
  12457. <td>NaN</td>
  12458. <td>NaN</td>
  12459. </tr>
  12460. <tr>
  12461. <th>20</th>
  12462. <td>birdge01</td>
  12463. <td>1871</td>
  12464. <td>1</td>
  12465. <td>RC1</td>
  12466. <td>NaN</td>
  12467. <td>25</td>
  12468. <td>106</td>
  12469. <td>19</td>
  12470. <td>28</td>
  12471. <td>2</td>
  12472. <td>...</td>
  12473. <td>13.0</td>
  12474. <td>1.0</td>
  12475. <td>0.0</td>
  12476. <td>3</td>
  12477. <td>2.0</td>
  12478. <td>NaN</td>
  12479. <td>NaN</td>
  12480. <td>NaN</td>
  12481. <td>NaN</td>
  12482. <td>NaN</td>
  12483. </tr>
  12484. <tr>
  12485. <th>21</th>
  12486. <td>birdsda01</td>
  12487. <td>1871</td>
  12488. <td>1</td>
  12489. <td>BS1</td>
  12490. <td>NaN</td>
  12491. <td>29</td>
  12492. <td>152</td>
  12493. <td>51</td>
  12494. <td>46</td>
  12495. <td>3</td>
  12496. <td>...</td>
  12497. <td>24.0</td>
  12498. <td>6.0</td>
  12499. <td>0.0</td>
  12500. <td>4</td>
  12501. <td>4.0</td>
  12502. <td>NaN</td>
  12503. <td>NaN</td>
  12504. <td>NaN</td>
  12505. <td>NaN</td>
  12506. <td>NaN</td>
  12507. </tr>
  12508. <tr>
  12509. <th>22</th>
  12510. <td>brainas01</td>
  12511. <td>1871</td>
  12512. <td>1</td>
  12513. <td>WS3</td>
  12514. <td>NaN</td>
  12515. <td>30</td>
  12516. <td>134</td>
  12517. <td>24</td>
  12518. <td>30</td>
  12519. <td>4</td>
  12520. <td>...</td>
  12521. <td>21.0</td>
  12522. <td>4.0</td>
  12523. <td>0.0</td>
  12524. <td>7</td>
  12525. <td>2.0</td>
  12526. <td>NaN</td>
  12527. <td>NaN</td>
  12528. <td>NaN</td>
  12529. <td>NaN</td>
  12530. <td>NaN</td>
  12531. </tr>
  12532. <tr>
  12533. <th>23</th>
  12534. <td>brannmi01</td>
  12535. <td>1871</td>
  12536. <td>1</td>
  12537. <td>CH1</td>
  12538. <td>NaN</td>
  12539. <td>3</td>
  12540. <td>14</td>
  12541. <td>2</td>
  12542. <td>1</td>
  12543. <td>0</td>
  12544. <td>...</td>
  12545. <td>0.0</td>
  12546. <td>0.0</td>
  12547. <td>0.0</td>
  12548. <td>0</td>
  12549. <td>0.0</td>
  12550. <td>NaN</td>
  12551. <td>NaN</td>
  12552. <td>NaN</td>
  12553. <td>NaN</td>
  12554. <td>NaN</td>
  12555. </tr>
  12556. <tr>
  12557. <th>24</th>
  12558. <td>burrohe01</td>
  12559. <td>1871</td>
  12560. <td>1</td>
  12561. <td>WS3</td>
  12562. <td>NaN</td>
  12563. <td>12</td>
  12564. <td>63</td>
  12565. <td>11</td>
  12566. <td>15</td>
  12567. <td>2</td>
  12568. <td>...</td>
  12569. <td>14.0</td>
  12570. <td>0.0</td>
  12571. <td>0.0</td>
  12572. <td>1</td>
  12573. <td>1.0</td>
  12574. <td>NaN</td>
  12575. <td>NaN</td>
  12576. <td>NaN</td>
  12577. <td>NaN</td>
  12578. <td>NaN</td>
  12579. </tr>
  12580. <tr>
  12581. <th>25</th>
  12582. <td>careyto01</td>
  12583. <td>1871</td>
  12584. <td>1</td>
  12585. <td>FW1</td>
  12586. <td>NaN</td>
  12587. <td>19</td>
  12588. <td>87</td>
  12589. <td>16</td>
  12590. <td>20</td>
  12591. <td>2</td>
  12592. <td>...</td>
  12593. <td>10.0</td>
  12594. <td>5.0</td>
  12595. <td>0.0</td>
  12596. <td>2</td>
  12597. <td>1.0</td>
  12598. <td>NaN</td>
  12599. <td>NaN</td>
  12600. <td>NaN</td>
  12601. <td>NaN</td>
  12602. <td>NaN</td>
  12603. </tr>
  12604. <tr>
  12605. <th>26</th>
  12606. <td>carleji01</td>
  12607. <td>1871</td>
  12608. <td>1</td>
  12609. <td>CL1</td>
  12610. <td>NaN</td>
  12611. <td>29</td>
  12612. <td>127</td>
  12613. <td>31</td>
  12614. <td>32</td>
  12615. <td>8</td>
  12616. <td>...</td>
  12617. <td>18.0</td>
  12618. <td>2.0</td>
  12619. <td>1.0</td>
  12620. <td>8</td>
  12621. <td>3.0</td>
  12622. <td>NaN</td>
  12623. <td>NaN</td>
  12624. <td>NaN</td>
  12625. <td>NaN</td>
  12626. <td>NaN</td>
  12627. </tr>
  12628. <tr>
  12629. <th>27</th>
  12630. <td>conefr01</td>
  12631. <td>1871</td>
  12632. <td>1</td>
  12633. <td>BS1</td>
  12634. <td>NaN</td>
  12635. <td>19</td>
  12636. <td>77</td>
  12637. <td>17</td>
  12638. <td>20</td>
  12639. <td>3</td>
  12640. <td>...</td>
  12641. <td>16.0</td>
  12642. <td>12.0</td>
  12643. <td>1.0</td>
  12644. <td>8</td>
  12645. <td>2.0</td>
  12646. <td>NaN</td>
  12647. <td>NaN</td>
  12648. <td>NaN</td>
  12649. <td>NaN</td>
  12650. <td>NaN</td>
  12651. </tr>
  12652. <tr>
  12653. <th>28</th>
  12654. <td>connone01</td>
  12655. <td>1871</td>
  12656. <td>1</td>
  12657. <td>TRO</td>
  12658. <td>NaN</td>
  12659. <td>7</td>
  12660. <td>33</td>
  12661. <td>6</td>
  12662. <td>7</td>
  12663. <td>0</td>
  12664. <td>...</td>
  12665. <td>2.0</td>
  12666. <td>0.0</td>
  12667. <td>0.0</td>
  12668. <td>0</td>
  12669. <td>0.0</td>
  12670. <td>NaN</td>
  12671. <td>NaN</td>
  12672. <td>NaN</td>
  12673. <td>NaN</td>
  12674. <td>NaN</td>
  12675. </tr>
  12676. <tr>
  12677. <th>29</th>
  12678. <td>cravebi01</td>
  12679. <td>1871</td>
  12680. <td>1</td>
  12681. <td>TRO</td>
  12682. <td>NaN</td>
  12683. <td>27</td>
  12684. <td>118</td>
  12685. <td>26</td>
  12686. <td>38</td>
  12687. <td>8</td>
  12688. <td>...</td>
  12689. <td>26.0</td>
  12690. <td>6.0</td>
  12691. <td>3.0</td>
  12692. <td>3</td>
  12693. <td>0.0</td>
  12694. <td>NaN</td>
  12695. <td>NaN</td>
  12696. <td>NaN</td>
  12697. <td>NaN</td>
  12698. <td>NaN</td>
  12699. </tr>
  12700. <tr>
  12701. <th>...</th>
  12702. <td>...</td>
  12703. <td>...</td>
  12704. <td>...</td>
  12705. <td>...</td>
  12706. <td>...</td>
  12707. <td>...</td>
  12708. <td>...</td>
  12709. <td>...</td>
  12710. <td>...</td>
  12711. <td>...</td>
  12712. <td>...</td>
  12713. <td>...</td>
  12714. <td>...</td>
  12715. <td>...</td>
  12716. <td>...</td>
  12717. <td>...</td>
  12718. <td>...</td>
  12719. <td>...</td>
  12720. <td>...</td>
  12721. <td>...</td>
  12722. <td>...</td>
  12723. </tr>
  12724. <tr>
  12725. <th>102786</th>
  12726. <td>wittgni01</td>
  12727. <td>2016</td>
  12728. <td>1</td>
  12729. <td>MIA</td>
  12730. <td>NL</td>
  12731. <td>48</td>
  12732. <td>0</td>
  12733. <td>0</td>
  12734. <td>0</td>
  12735. <td>0</td>
  12736. <td>...</td>
  12737. <td>0.0</td>
  12738. <td>0.0</td>
  12739. <td>0.0</td>
  12740. <td>0</td>
  12741. <td>0.0</td>
  12742. <td>0.0</td>
  12743. <td>0.0</td>
  12744. <td>0.0</td>
  12745. <td>0.0</td>
  12746. <td>0.0</td>
  12747. </tr>
  12748. <tr>
  12749. <th>102787</th>
  12750. <td>wolteto01</td>
  12751. <td>2016</td>
  12752. <td>1</td>
  12753. <td>COL</td>
  12754. <td>NL</td>
  12755. <td>71</td>
  12756. <td>205</td>
  12757. <td>27</td>
  12758. <td>53</td>
  12759. <td>15</td>
  12760. <td>...</td>
  12761. <td>30.0</td>
  12762. <td>4.0</td>
  12763. <td>1.0</td>
  12764. <td>21</td>
  12765. <td>53.0</td>
  12766. <td>2.0</td>
  12767. <td>0.0</td>
  12768. <td>4.0</td>
  12769. <td>0.0</td>
  12770. <td>1.0</td>
  12771. </tr>
  12772. <tr>
  12773. <th>102788</th>
  12774. <td>wongko01</td>
  12775. <td>2016</td>
  12776. <td>1</td>
  12777. <td>SLN</td>
  12778. <td>NL</td>
  12779. <td>121</td>
  12780. <td>313</td>
  12781. <td>39</td>
  12782. <td>75</td>
  12783. <td>7</td>
  12784. <td>...</td>
  12785. <td>23.0</td>
  12786. <td>7.0</td>
  12787. <td>0.0</td>
  12788. <td>34</td>
  12789. <td>52.0</td>
  12790. <td>2.0</td>
  12791. <td>9.0</td>
  12792. <td>0.0</td>
  12793. <td>5.0</td>
  12794. <td>3.0</td>
  12795. </tr>
  12796. <tr>
  12797. <th>102789</th>
  12798. <td>woodal02</td>
  12799. <td>2016</td>
  12800. <td>1</td>
  12801. <td>LAN</td>
  12802. <td>NL</td>
  12803. <td>15</td>
  12804. <td>16</td>
  12805. <td>2</td>
  12806. <td>4</td>
  12807. <td>0</td>
  12808. <td>...</td>
  12809. <td>2.0</td>
  12810. <td>0.0</td>
  12811. <td>0.0</td>
  12812. <td>1</td>
  12813. <td>9.0</td>
  12814. <td>0.0</td>
  12815. <td>0.0</td>
  12816. <td>2.0</td>
  12817. <td>0.0</td>
  12818. <td>0.0</td>
  12819. </tr>
  12820. <tr>
  12821. <th>102790</th>
  12822. <td>woodbl01</td>
  12823. <td>2016</td>
  12824. <td>1</td>
  12825. <td>CIN</td>
  12826. <td>NL</td>
  12827. <td>70</td>
  12828. <td>2</td>
  12829. <td>0</td>
  12830. <td>0</td>
  12831. <td>0</td>
  12832. <td>...</td>
  12833. <td>0.0</td>
  12834. <td>0.0</td>
  12835. <td>0.0</td>
  12836. <td>0</td>
  12837. <td>2.0</td>
  12838. <td>0.0</td>
  12839. <td>0.0</td>
  12840. <td>0.0</td>
  12841. <td>0.0</td>
  12842. <td>0.0</td>
  12843. </tr>
  12844. <tr>
  12845. <th>102791</th>
  12846. <td>woodtr01</td>
  12847. <td>2016</td>
  12848. <td>1</td>
  12849. <td>CHN</td>
  12850. <td>NL</td>
  12851. <td>81</td>
  12852. <td>11</td>
  12853. <td>0</td>
  12854. <td>2</td>
  12855. <td>0</td>
  12856. <td>...</td>
  12857. <td>1.0</td>
  12858. <td>0.0</td>
  12859. <td>0.0</td>
  12860. <td>1</td>
  12861. <td>5.0</td>
  12862. <td>0.0</td>
  12863. <td>0.0</td>
  12864. <td>0.0</td>
  12865. <td>0.0</td>
  12866. <td>0.0</td>
  12867. </tr>
  12868. <tr>
  12869. <th>102792</th>
  12870. <td>worleva01</td>
  12871. <td>2016</td>
  12872. <td>1</td>
  12873. <td>BAL</td>
  12874. <td>AL</td>
  12875. <td>35</td>
  12876. <td>0</td>
  12877. <td>0</td>
  12878. <td>0</td>
  12879. <td>0</td>
  12880. <td>...</td>
  12881. <td>0.0</td>
  12882. <td>0.0</td>
  12883. <td>0.0</td>
  12884. <td>0</td>
  12885. <td>0.0</td>
  12886. <td>0.0</td>
  12887. <td>0.0</td>
  12888. <td>0.0</td>
  12889. <td>0.0</td>
  12890. <td>0.0</td>
  12891. </tr>
  12892. <tr>
  12893. <th>102793</th>
  12894. <td>worthda01</td>
  12895. <td>2016</td>
  12896. <td>1</td>
  12897. <td>HOU</td>
  12898. <td>AL</td>
  12899. <td>16</td>
  12900. <td>39</td>
  12901. <td>4</td>
  12902. <td>7</td>
  12903. <td>2</td>
  12904. <td>...</td>
  12905. <td>1.0</td>
  12906. <td>0.0</td>
  12907. <td>0.0</td>
  12908. <td>1</td>
  12909. <td>6.0</td>
  12910. <td>0.0</td>
  12911. <td>0.0</td>
  12912. <td>0.0</td>
  12913. <td>0.0</td>
  12914. <td>1.0</td>
  12915. </tr>
  12916. <tr>
  12917. <th>102794</th>
  12918. <td>wrighda03</td>
  12919. <td>2016</td>
  12920. <td>1</td>
  12921. <td>NYN</td>
  12922. <td>NL</td>
  12923. <td>37</td>
  12924. <td>137</td>
  12925. <td>18</td>
  12926. <td>31</td>
  12927. <td>8</td>
  12928. <td>...</td>
  12929. <td>14.0</td>
  12930. <td>3.0</td>
  12931. <td>2.0</td>
  12932. <td>26</td>
  12933. <td>55.0</td>
  12934. <td>0.0</td>
  12935. <td>0.0</td>
  12936. <td>0.0</td>
  12937. <td>0.0</td>
  12938. <td>0.0</td>
  12939. </tr>
  12940. <tr>
  12941. <th>102795</th>
  12942. <td>wrighda04</td>
  12943. <td>2016</td>
  12944. <td>1</td>
  12945. <td>CIN</td>
  12946. <td>NL</td>
  12947. <td>4</td>
  12948. <td>5</td>
  12949. <td>0</td>
  12950. <td>0</td>
  12951. <td>0</td>
  12952. <td>...</td>
  12953. <td>0.0</td>
  12954. <td>0.0</td>
  12955. <td>0.0</td>
  12956. <td>0</td>
  12957. <td>2.0</td>
  12958. <td>0.0</td>
  12959. <td>0.0</td>
  12960. <td>1.0</td>
  12961. <td>0.0</td>
  12962. <td>0.0</td>
  12963. </tr>
  12964. <tr>
  12965. <th>102796</th>
  12966. <td>wrighda04</td>
  12967. <td>2016</td>
  12968. <td>2</td>
  12969. <td>LAA</td>
  12970. <td>AL</td>
  12971. <td>5</td>
  12972. <td>0</td>
  12973. <td>0</td>
  12974. <td>0</td>
  12975. <td>0</td>
  12976. <td>...</td>
  12977. <td>0.0</td>
  12978. <td>0.0</td>
  12979. <td>0.0</td>
  12980. <td>0</td>
  12981. <td>0.0</td>
  12982. <td>0.0</td>
  12983. <td>0.0</td>
  12984. <td>0.0</td>
  12985. <td>0.0</td>
  12986. <td>0.0</td>
  12987. </tr>
  12988. <tr>
  12989. <th>102797</th>
  12990. <td>wrighmi01</td>
  12991. <td>2016</td>
  12992. <td>1</td>
  12993. <td>BAL</td>
  12994. <td>AL</td>
  12995. <td>18</td>
  12996. <td>0</td>
  12997. <td>0</td>
  12998. <td>0</td>
  12999. <td>0</td>
  13000. <td>...</td>
  13001. <td>0.0</td>
  13002. <td>0.0</td>
  13003. <td>0.0</td>
  13004. <td>0</td>
  13005. <td>0.0</td>
  13006. <td>0.0</td>
  13007. <td>0.0</td>
  13008. <td>0.0</td>
  13009. <td>0.0</td>
  13010. <td>0.0</td>
  13011. </tr>
  13012. <tr>
  13013. <th>102798</th>
  13014. <td>wrighst01</td>
  13015. <td>2016</td>
  13016. <td>1</td>
  13017. <td>BOS</td>
  13018. <td>AL</td>
  13019. <td>25</td>
  13020. <td>4</td>
  13021. <td>0</td>
  13022. <td>0</td>
  13023. <td>0</td>
  13024. <td>...</td>
  13025. <td>0.0</td>
  13026. <td>0.0</td>
  13027. <td>0.0</td>
  13028. <td>0</td>
  13029. <td>3.0</td>
  13030. <td>0.0</td>
  13031. <td>0.0</td>
  13032. <td>0.0</td>
  13033. <td>0.0</td>
  13034. <td>0.0</td>
  13035. </tr>
  13036. <tr>
  13037. <th>102799</th>
  13038. <td>yateski01</td>
  13039. <td>2016</td>
  13040. <td>1</td>
  13041. <td>NYA</td>
  13042. <td>AL</td>
  13043. <td>41</td>
  13044. <td>0</td>
  13045. <td>0</td>
  13046. <td>0</td>
  13047. <td>0</td>
  13048. <td>...</td>
  13049. <td>0.0</td>
  13050. <td>0.0</td>
  13051. <td>0.0</td>
  13052. <td>0</td>
  13053. <td>0.0</td>
  13054. <td>0.0</td>
  13055. <td>0.0</td>
  13056. <td>0.0</td>
  13057. <td>0.0</td>
  13058. <td>0.0</td>
  13059. </tr>
  13060. <tr>
  13061. <th>102800</th>
  13062. <td>yelicch01</td>
  13063. <td>2016</td>
  13064. <td>1</td>
  13065. <td>MIA</td>
  13066. <td>NL</td>
  13067. <td>155</td>
  13068. <td>578</td>
  13069. <td>78</td>
  13070. <td>172</td>
  13071. <td>38</td>
  13072. <td>...</td>
  13073. <td>98.0</td>
  13074. <td>9.0</td>
  13075. <td>4.0</td>
  13076. <td>72</td>
  13077. <td>138.0</td>
  13078. <td>4.0</td>
  13079. <td>4.0</td>
  13080. <td>0.0</td>
  13081. <td>5.0</td>
  13082. <td>20.0</td>
  13083. </tr>
  13084. <tr>
  13085. <th>102801</th>
  13086. <td>ynoaga01</td>
  13087. <td>2016</td>
  13088. <td>1</td>
  13089. <td>NYN</td>
  13090. <td>NL</td>
  13091. <td>10</td>
  13092. <td>3</td>
  13093. <td>0</td>
  13094. <td>0</td>
  13095. <td>0</td>
  13096. <td>...</td>
  13097. <td>0.0</td>
  13098. <td>0.0</td>
  13099. <td>0.0</td>
  13100. <td>0</td>
  13101. <td>0.0</td>
  13102. <td>0.0</td>
  13103. <td>0.0</td>
  13104. <td>0.0</td>
  13105. <td>0.0</td>
  13106. <td>0.0</td>
  13107. </tr>
  13108. <tr>
  13109. <th>102802</th>
  13110. <td>ynoami01</td>
  13111. <td>2016</td>
  13112. <td>1</td>
  13113. <td>CHA</td>
  13114. <td>AL</td>
  13115. <td>23</td>
  13116. <td>0</td>
  13117. <td>0</td>
  13118. <td>0</td>
  13119. <td>0</td>
  13120. <td>...</td>
  13121. <td>0.0</td>
  13122. <td>0.0</td>
  13123. <td>0.0</td>
  13124. <td>0</td>
  13125. <td>0.0</td>
  13126. <td>0.0</td>
  13127. <td>0.0</td>
  13128. <td>0.0</td>
  13129. <td>0.0</td>
  13130. <td>0.0</td>
  13131. </tr>
  13132. <tr>
  13133. <th>102803</th>
  13134. <td>ynoara01</td>
  13135. <td>2016</td>
  13136. <td>1</td>
  13137. <td>COL</td>
  13138. <td>NL</td>
  13139. <td>3</td>
  13140. <td>5</td>
  13141. <td>0</td>
  13142. <td>0</td>
  13143. <td>0</td>
  13144. <td>...</td>
  13145. <td>0.0</td>
  13146. <td>0.0</td>
  13147. <td>0.0</td>
  13148. <td>0</td>
  13149. <td>2.0</td>
  13150. <td>0.0</td>
  13151. <td>0.0</td>
  13152. <td>0.0</td>
  13153. <td>0.0</td>
  13154. <td>0.0</td>
  13155. </tr>
  13156. <tr>
  13157. <th>102804</th>
  13158. <td>youngch03</td>
  13159. <td>2016</td>
  13160. <td>1</td>
  13161. <td>KCA</td>
  13162. <td>AL</td>
  13163. <td>34</td>
  13164. <td>1</td>
  13165. <td>0</td>
  13166. <td>0</td>
  13167. <td>0</td>
  13168. <td>...</td>
  13169. <td>0.0</td>
  13170. <td>0.0</td>
  13171. <td>0.0</td>
  13172. <td>0</td>
  13173. <td>0.0</td>
  13174. <td>0.0</td>
  13175. <td>0.0</td>
  13176. <td>0.0</td>
  13177. <td>0.0</td>
  13178. <td>0.0</td>
  13179. </tr>
  13180. <tr>
  13181. <th>102805</th>
  13182. <td>youngch04</td>
  13183. <td>2016</td>
  13184. <td>1</td>
  13185. <td>BOS</td>
  13186. <td>AL</td>
  13187. <td>76</td>
  13188. <td>203</td>
  13189. <td>29</td>
  13190. <td>56</td>
  13191. <td>18</td>
  13192. <td>...</td>
  13193. <td>24.0</td>
  13194. <td>4.0</td>
  13195. <td>2.0</td>
  13196. <td>21</td>
  13197. <td>50.0</td>
  13198. <td>0.0</td>
  13199. <td>3.0</td>
  13200. <td>0.0</td>
  13201. <td>0.0</td>
  13202. <td>4.0</td>
  13203. </tr>
  13204. <tr>
  13205. <th>102806</th>
  13206. <td>younger03</td>
  13207. <td>2016</td>
  13208. <td>1</td>
  13209. <td>NYA</td>
  13210. <td>AL</td>
  13211. <td>6</td>
  13212. <td>1</td>
  13213. <td>2</td>
  13214. <td>0</td>
  13215. <td>0</td>
  13216. <td>...</td>
  13217. <td>0.0</td>
  13218. <td>1.0</td>
  13219. <td>0.0</td>
  13220. <td>0</td>
  13221. <td>0.0</td>
  13222. <td>0.0</td>
  13223. <td>0.0</td>
  13224. <td>0.0</td>
  13225. <td>0.0</td>
  13226. <td>0.0</td>
  13227. </tr>
  13228. <tr>
  13229. <th>102807</th>
  13230. <td>youngma03</td>
  13231. <td>2016</td>
  13232. <td>1</td>
  13233. <td>ATL</td>
  13234. <td>NL</td>
  13235. <td>8</td>
  13236. <td>0</td>
  13237. <td>0</td>
  13238. <td>0</td>
  13239. <td>0</td>
  13240. <td>...</td>
  13241. <td>0.0</td>
  13242. <td>0.0</td>
  13243. <td>0.0</td>
  13244. <td>0</td>
  13245. <td>0.0</td>
  13246. <td>0.0</td>
  13247. <td>0.0</td>
  13248. <td>0.0</td>
  13249. <td>0.0</td>
  13250. <td>0.0</td>
  13251. </tr>
  13252. <tr>
  13253. <th>102808</th>
  13254. <td>zastrro01</td>
  13255. <td>2016</td>
  13256. <td>1</td>
  13257. <td>CHN</td>
  13258. <td>NL</td>
  13259. <td>8</td>
  13260. <td>3</td>
  13261. <td>0</td>
  13262. <td>0</td>
  13263. <td>0</td>
  13264. <td>...</td>
  13265. <td>0.0</td>
  13266. <td>0.0</td>
  13267. <td>0.0</td>
  13268. <td>0</td>
  13269. <td>2.0</td>
  13270. <td>0.0</td>
  13271. <td>0.0</td>
  13272. <td>0.0</td>
  13273. <td>0.0</td>
  13274. <td>0.0</td>
  13275. </tr>
  13276. <tr>
  13277. <th>102809</th>
  13278. <td>zieglbr01</td>
  13279. <td>2016</td>
  13280. <td>1</td>
  13281. <td>ARI</td>
  13282. <td>NL</td>
  13283. <td>36</td>
  13284. <td>0</td>
  13285. <td>0</td>
  13286. <td>0</td>
  13287. <td>0</td>
  13288. <td>...</td>
  13289. <td>0.0</td>
  13290. <td>0.0</td>
  13291. <td>0.0</td>
  13292. <td>0</td>
  13293. <td>0.0</td>
  13294. <td>0.0</td>
  13295. <td>0.0</td>
  13296. <td>0.0</td>
  13297. <td>0.0</td>
  13298. <td>0.0</td>
  13299. </tr>
  13300. <tr>
  13301. <th>102810</th>
  13302. <td>zieglbr01</td>
  13303. <td>2016</td>
  13304. <td>2</td>
  13305. <td>BOS</td>
  13306. <td>AL</td>
  13307. <td>33</td>
  13308. <td>0</td>
  13309. <td>0</td>
  13310. <td>0</td>
  13311. <td>0</td>
  13312. <td>...</td>
  13313. <td>0.0</td>
  13314. <td>0.0</td>
  13315. <td>0.0</td>
  13316. <td>0</td>
  13317. <td>0.0</td>
  13318. <td>0.0</td>
  13319. <td>0.0</td>
  13320. <td>0.0</td>
  13321. <td>0.0</td>
  13322. <td>0.0</td>
  13323. </tr>
  13324. <tr>
  13325. <th>102811</th>
  13326. <td>zimmejo02</td>
  13327. <td>2016</td>
  13328. <td>1</td>
  13329. <td>DET</td>
  13330. <td>AL</td>
  13331. <td>19</td>
  13332. <td>4</td>
  13333. <td>0</td>
  13334. <td>1</td>
  13335. <td>0</td>
  13336. <td>...</td>
  13337. <td>0.0</td>
  13338. <td>0.0</td>
  13339. <td>0.0</td>
  13340. <td>0</td>
  13341. <td>2.0</td>
  13342. <td>0.0</td>
  13343. <td>0.0</td>
  13344. <td>1.0</td>
  13345. <td>0.0</td>
  13346. <td>0.0</td>
  13347. </tr>
  13348. <tr>
  13349. <th>102812</th>
  13350. <td>zimmery01</td>
  13351. <td>2016</td>
  13352. <td>1</td>
  13353. <td>WAS</td>
  13354. <td>NL</td>
  13355. <td>115</td>
  13356. <td>427</td>
  13357. <td>60</td>
  13358. <td>93</td>
  13359. <td>18</td>
  13360. <td>...</td>
  13361. <td>46.0</td>
  13362. <td>4.0</td>
  13363. <td>1.0</td>
  13364. <td>29</td>
  13365. <td>104.0</td>
  13366. <td>1.0</td>
  13367. <td>5.0</td>
  13368. <td>0.0</td>
  13369. <td>6.0</td>
  13370. <td>12.0</td>
  13371. </tr>
  13372. <tr>
  13373. <th>102813</th>
  13374. <td>zobribe01</td>
  13375. <td>2016</td>
  13376. <td>1</td>
  13377. <td>CHN</td>
  13378. <td>NL</td>
  13379. <td>147</td>
  13380. <td>523</td>
  13381. <td>94</td>
  13382. <td>142</td>
  13383. <td>31</td>
  13384. <td>...</td>
  13385. <td>76.0</td>
  13386. <td>6.0</td>
  13387. <td>4.0</td>
  13388. <td>96</td>
  13389. <td>82.0</td>
  13390. <td>6.0</td>
  13391. <td>4.0</td>
  13392. <td>4.0</td>
  13393. <td>4.0</td>
  13394. <td>17.0</td>
  13395. </tr>
  13396. <tr>
  13397. <th>102814</th>
  13398. <td>zuninmi01</td>
  13399. <td>2016</td>
  13400. <td>1</td>
  13401. <td>SEA</td>
  13402. <td>AL</td>
  13403. <td>55</td>
  13404. <td>164</td>
  13405. <td>16</td>
  13406. <td>34</td>
  13407. <td>7</td>
  13408. <td>...</td>
  13409. <td>31.0</td>
  13410. <td>0.0</td>
  13411. <td>0.0</td>
  13412. <td>21</td>
  13413. <td>65.0</td>
  13414. <td>0.0</td>
  13415. <td>6.0</td>
  13416. <td>0.0</td>
  13417. <td>1.0</td>
  13418. <td>0.0</td>
  13419. </tr>
  13420. <tr>
  13421. <th>102815</th>
  13422. <td>zychto01</td>
  13423. <td>2016</td>
  13424. <td>1</td>
  13425. <td>SEA</td>
  13426. <td>AL</td>
  13427. <td>12</td>
  13428. <td>0</td>
  13429. <td>0</td>
  13430. <td>0</td>
  13431. <td>0</td>
  13432. <td>...</td>
  13433. <td>0.0</td>
  13434. <td>0.0</td>
  13435. <td>0.0</td>
  13436. <td>0</td>
  13437. <td>0.0</td>
  13438. <td>0.0</td>
  13439. <td>0.0</td>
  13440. <td>0.0</td>
  13441. <td>0.0</td>
  13442. <td>0.0</td>
  13443. </tr>
  13444. </tbody>
  13445. </table>
  13446. <p>102816 rows × 22 columns</p>
  13447. </div>
  13448. </div>
  13449. </div>
  13450. </div>
  13451. </div>
  13452. </div></section></section><section><section>
  13453. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13454. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13455. </div>
  13456. <div class="inner_cell">
  13457. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13458. <p>We will soon learn that Pandas, supports some typical "Pythonic" use cases for accesing data. The first we will encounter is with <code>len()</code>. We can get the size of this dataset (in rows) with the standard Python <code>len()</code> function, which will return exactly what we expect.</p>
  13459. </div>
  13460. </div>
  13461. </div><div class="fragment">
  13462. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13463. <div class="input">
  13464. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[4]:</div>
  13465. <div class="inner_cell">
  13466. <div class="input_area">
  13467. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="nb">len</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="p">)</span>
  13468. </pre></div>
  13469. </div>
  13470. </div>
  13471. </div>
  13472. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13473. <div class="output">
  13474. <div class="output_area">
  13475. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[4]:</div>
  13476. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13477. <pre>102816</pre>
  13478. </div>
  13479. </div>
  13480. </div>
  13481. </div>
  13482. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  13483. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13484. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13485. </div>
  13486. <div class="inner_cell">
  13487. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13488. <p>Every DataFrame will have a <code>columns</code> attribute, which contains the <em>column index</em> for our dataset. Thus, getting the length of that attribute returns, again, what we expect.</p>
  13489. </div>
  13490. </div>
  13491. </div><div class="fragment">
  13492. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13493. <div class="input">
  13494. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[5]:</div>
  13495. <div class="inner_cell">
  13496. <div class="input_area">
  13497. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">columns</span>
  13498. </pre></div>
  13499. </div>
  13500. </div>
  13501. </div>
  13502. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13503. <div class="output">
  13504. <div class="output_area">
  13505. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[5]:</div>
  13506. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13507. <pre>Index([&#39;playerID&#39;, &#39;yearID&#39;, &#39;stint&#39;, &#39;teamID&#39;, &#39;lgID&#39;, &#39;G&#39;, &#39;AB&#39;, &#39;R&#39;, &#39;H&#39;,
  13508. &#39;2B&#39;, &#39;3B&#39;, &#39;HR&#39;, &#39;RBI&#39;, &#39;SB&#39;, &#39;CS&#39;, &#39;BB&#39;, &#39;SO&#39;, &#39;IBB&#39;, &#39;HBP&#39;, &#39;SH&#39;,
  13509. &#39;SF&#39;, &#39;GIDP&#39;],
  13510. dtype=&#39;object&#39;)</pre>
  13511. </div>
  13512. </div>
  13513. </div>
  13514. </div>
  13515. </div></div><div class="fragment">
  13516. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13517. <div class="input">
  13518. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[6]:</div>
  13519. <div class="inner_cell">
  13520. <div class="input_area">
  13521. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="nb">len</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">columns</span><span class="p">)</span>
  13522. </pre></div>
  13523. </div>
  13524. </div>
  13525. </div>
  13526. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13527. <div class="output">
  13528. <div class="output_area">
  13529. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[6]:</div>
  13530. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13531. <pre>22</pre>
  13532. </div>
  13533. </div>
  13534. </div>
  13535. </div>
  13536. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  13537. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13538. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13539. </div>
  13540. <div class="inner_cell">
  13541. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13542. <p>If we want both column and row counts <a href=""><code>DataFrame.shape</code></a> will return the tuple to do this:</p>
  13543. </div>
  13544. </div>
  13545. </div><div class="fragment">
  13546. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13547. <div class="input">
  13548. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[7]:</div>
  13549. <div class="inner_cell">
  13550. <div class="input_area">
  13551. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">shape</span>
  13552. </pre></div>
  13553. </div>
  13554. </div>
  13555. </div>
  13556. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13557. <div class="output">
  13558. <div class="output_area">
  13559. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[7]:</div>
  13560. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13561. <pre>(102816, 22)</pre>
  13562. </div>
  13563. </div>
  13564. </div>
  13565. </div>
  13566. </div></div><div class="fragment">
  13567. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13568. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13569. </div>
  13570. <div class="inner_cell">
  13571. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13572. <p>Which returns what we expect (yet again).</p>
  13573. </div>
  13574. </div>
  13575. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  13576. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13577. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13578. </div>
  13579. <div class="inner_cell">
  13580. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13581. <h3 id="Accessing-column-data-by-label">Accessing column data by label<a class="anchor-link" href="#Accessing-column-data-by-label">&#182;</a></h3><p>One of the nice things about Pandas is that we can reference the columns of data by their names (or labels). For example, we have a <code>yearID</code> label, <code>teamID</code> label, <code>G</code> label for game counts, and so on. For our dataset to learn what the labels are in detail see the documentation for the provided links.</p>
  13582. </div>
  13583. </div>
  13584. </div></section></section><section><section>
  13585. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13586. <div class="input">
  13587. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[10]:</div>
  13588. <div class="inner_cell">
  13589. <div class="input_area">
  13590. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">yearID</span><span class="p">[:</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">]</span>
  13591. </pre></div>
  13592. </div>
  13593. </div>
  13594. </div>
  13595. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13596. <div class="output">
  13597. <div class="output_area">
  13598. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[10]:</div>
  13599. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13600. <pre>0 1871
  13601. 1 1871
  13602. 2 1871
  13603. 3 1871
  13604. 4 1871
  13605. 5 1871
  13606. 6 1871
  13607. 7 1871
  13608. 8 1871
  13609. 9 1871
  13610. Name: yearID, dtype: int64</pre>
  13611. </div>
  13612. </div>
  13613. </div>
  13614. </div>
  13615. </div></section></section><section><section>
  13616. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13617. <div class="input">
  13618. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[11]:</div>
  13619. <div class="inner_cell">
  13620. <div class="input_area">
  13621. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">G</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">:]</span>
  13622. </pre></div>
  13623. </div>
  13624. </div>
  13625. </div>
  13626. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13627. <div class="output">
  13628. <div class="output_area">
  13629. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[11]:</div>
  13630. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13631. <pre>102806 6
  13632. 102807 8
  13633. 102808 8
  13634. 102809 36
  13635. 102810 33
  13636. 102811 19
  13637. 102812 115
  13638. 102813 147
  13639. 102814 55
  13640. 102815 12
  13641. Name: G, dtype: int64</pre>
  13642. </div>
  13643. </div>
  13644. </div>
  13645. </div>
  13646. </div></section></section><section><section>
  13647. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  13648. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  13649. </div>
  13650. <div class="inner_cell">
  13651. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  13652. <p>Let's say we want all the player data for the <a href="">Washington Nationals</a> from 2015 and 2016 where a player played in 100 or more games:</p>
  13653. </div>
  13654. </div>
  13655. </div><div class="fragment">
  13656. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  13657. <div class="input">
  13658. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[12]:</div>
  13659. <div class="inner_cell">
  13660. <div class="input_area">
  13661. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df_was</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">df</span><span class="p">[(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">yearID</span> <span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="mi">2014</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">&amp;</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">teamID</span><span class="o">==</span><span class="s1">&#39;WAS&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">&amp;</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">G</span> <span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="mi">99</span><span class="p">)]</span>
  13662. <span class="n">df_was</span>
  13663. </pre></div>
  13664. </div>
  13665. </div>
  13666. </div>
  13667. <div class="output_wrapper">
  13668. <div class="output">
  13669. <div class="output_area">
  13670. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[12]:</div>
  13671. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  13672. <div>
  13673. <style>
  13674. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  13675. text-align: right;
  13676. }
  13677. .dataframe thead th {
  13678. text-align: left;
  13679. }
  13680. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  13681. vertical-align: top;
  13682. }
  13683. </style>
  13684. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  13685. <thead>
  13686. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  13687. <th></th>
  13688. <th>playerID</th>
  13689. <th>yearID</th>
  13690. <th>stint</th>
  13691. <th>teamID</th>
  13692. <th>lgID</th>
  13693. <th>G</th>
  13694. <th>AB</th>
  13695. <th>R</th>
  13696. <th>H</th>
  13697. <th>2B</th>
  13698. <th>...</th>
  13699. <th>RBI</th>
  13700. <th>SB</th>
  13701. <th>CS</th>
  13702. <th>BB</th>
  13703. <th>SO</th>
  13704. <th>IBB</th>
  13705. <th>HBP</th>
  13706. <th>SH</th>
  13707. <th>SF</th>
  13708. <th>GIDP</th>
  13709. </tr>
  13710. </thead>
  13711. <tbody>
  13712. <tr>
  13713. <th>100193</th>
  13714. <td>desmoia01</td>
  13715. <td>2015</td>
  13716. <td>1</td>
  13717. <td>WAS</td>
  13718. <td>NL</td>
  13719. <td>156</td>
  13720. <td>583</td>
  13721. <td>69</td>
  13722. <td>136</td>
  13723. <td>27</td>
  13724. <td>...</td>
  13725. <td>62.0</td>
  13726. <td>13.0</td>
  13727. <td>5.0</td>
  13728. <td>45</td>
  13729. <td>187.0</td>
  13730. <td>0.0</td>
  13731. <td>3.0</td>
  13732. <td>6.0</td>
  13733. <td>4.0</td>
  13734. <td>9.0</td>
  13735. </tr>
  13736. <tr>
  13737. <th>100250</th>
  13738. <td>escobyu01</td>
  13739. <td>2015</td>
  13740. <td>1</td>
  13741. <td>WAS</td>
  13742. <td>NL</td>
  13743. <td>139</td>
  13744. <td>535</td>
  13745. <td>75</td>
  13746. <td>168</td>
  13747. <td>25</td>
  13748. <td>...</td>
  13749. <td>56.0</td>
  13750. <td>2.0</td>
  13751. <td>2.0</td>
  13752. <td>45</td>
  13753. <td>70.0</td>
  13754. <td>0.0</td>
  13755. <td>8.0</td>
  13756. <td>1.0</td>
  13757. <td>2.0</td>
  13758. <td>24.0</td>
  13759. </tr>
  13760. <tr>
  13761. <th>100251</th>
  13762. <td>espinda01</td>
  13763. <td>2015</td>
  13764. <td>1</td>
  13765. <td>WAS</td>
  13766. <td>NL</td>
  13767. <td>118</td>
  13768. <td>367</td>
  13769. <td>59</td>
  13770. <td>88</td>
  13771. <td>21</td>
  13772. <td>...</td>
  13773. <td>37.0</td>
  13774. <td>5.0</td>
  13775. <td>2.0</td>
  13776. <td>33</td>
  13777. <td>106.0</td>
  13778. <td>5.0</td>
  13779. <td>6.0</td>
  13780. <td>3.0</td>
  13781. <td>3.0</td>
  13782. <td>6.0</td>
  13783. </tr>
  13784. <tr>
  13785. <th>100422</th>
  13786. <td>harpebr03</td>
  13787. <td>2015</td>
  13788. <td>1</td>
  13789. <td>WAS</td>
  13790. <td>NL</td>
  13791. <td>153</td>
  13792. <td>521</td>
  13793. <td>118</td>
  13794. <td>172</td>
  13795. <td>38</td>
  13796. <td>...</td>
  13797. <td>99.0</td>
  13798. <td>6.0</td>
  13799. <td>4.0</td>
  13800. <td>124</td>
  13801. <td>131.0</td>
  13802. <td>15.0</td>
  13803. <td>5.0</td>
  13804. <td>0.0</td>
  13805. <td>4.0</td>
  13806. <td>15.0</td>
  13807. </tr>
  13808. <tr>
  13809. <th>100950</th>
  13810. <td>ramoswi01</td>
  13811. <td>2015</td>
  13812. <td>1</td>
  13813. <td>WAS</td>
  13814. <td>NL</td>
  13815. <td>128</td>
  13816. <td>475</td>
  13817. <td>41</td>
  13818. <td>109</td>
  13819. <td>16</td>
  13820. <td>...</td>
  13821. <td>68.0</td>
  13822. <td>0.0</td>
  13823. <td>0.0</td>
  13824. <td>21</td>
  13825. <td>101.0</td>
  13826. <td>2.0</td>
  13827. <td>0.0</td>
  13828. <td>0.0</td>
  13829. <td>8.0</td>
  13830. <td>16.0</td>
  13831. </tr>
  13832. <tr>
  13833. <th>100993</th>
  13834. <td>robincl01</td>
  13835. <td>2015</td>
  13836. <td>1</td>
  13837. <td>WAS</td>
  13838. <td>NL</td>
  13839. <td>126</td>
  13840. <td>309</td>
  13841. <td>44</td>
  13842. <td>84</td>
  13843. <td>15</td>
  13844. <td>...</td>
  13845. <td>34.0</td>
  13846. <td>0.0</td>
  13847. <td>0.0</td>
  13848. <td>37</td>
  13849. <td>52.0</td>
  13850. <td>4.0</td>
  13851. <td>5.0</td>
  13852. <td>0.0</td>
  13853. <td>1.0</td>
  13854. <td>6.0</td>
  13855. </tr>
  13856. <tr>
  13857. <th>101176</th>
  13858. <td>taylomi02</td>
  13859. <td>2015</td>
  13860. <td>1</td>
  13861. <td>WAS</td>
  13862. <td>NL</td>
  13863. <td>138</td>
  13864. <td>472</td>
  13865. <td>49</td>
  13866. <td>108</td>
  13867. <td>15</td>
  13868. <td>...</td>
  13869. <td>63.0</td>
  13870. <td>16.0</td>
  13871. <td>3.0</td>
  13872. <td>35</td>
  13873. <td>158.0</td>
  13874. <td>9.0</td>
  13875. <td>1.0</td>
  13876. <td>1.0</td>
  13877. <td>2.0</td>
  13878. <td>5.0</td>
  13879. </tr>
  13880. <tr>
  13881. <th>101725</th>
  13882. <td>espinda01</td>
  13883. <td>2016</td>
  13884. <td>1</td>
  13885. <td>WAS</td>
  13886. <td>NL</td>
  13887. <td>157</td>
  13888. <td>516</td>
  13889. <td>66</td>
  13890. <td>108</td>
  13891. <td>15</td>
  13892. <td>...</td>
  13893. <td>72.0</td>
  13894. <td>9.0</td>
  13895. <td>2.0</td>
  13896. <td>54</td>
  13897. <td>174.0</td>
  13898. <td>12.0</td>
  13899. <td>20.0</td>
  13900. <td>7.0</td>
  13901. <td>4.0</td>
  13902. <td>4.0</td>
  13903. </tr>
  13904. <tr>
  13905. <th>101895</th>
  13906. <td>harpebr03</td>
  13907. <td>2016</td>
  13908. <td>1</td>
  13909. <td>WAS</td>
  13910. <td>NL</td>
  13911. <td>147</td>
  13912. <td>506</td>
  13913. <td>84</td>
  13914. <td>123</td>
  13915. <td>24</td>
  13916. <td>...</td>
  13917. <td>86.0</td>
  13918. <td>21.0</td>
  13919. <td>10.0</td>
  13920. <td>108</td>
  13921. <td>117.0</td>
  13922. <td>20.0</td>
  13923. <td>3.0</td>
  13924. <td>0.0</td>
  13925. <td>10.0</td>
  13926. <td>11.0</td>
  13927. </tr>
  13928. <tr>
  13929. <th>102245</th>
  13930. <td>murphda08</td>
  13931. <td>2016</td>
  13932. <td>1</td>
  13933. <td>WAS</td>
  13934. <td>NL</td>
  13935. <td>142</td>
  13936. <td>531</td>
  13937. <td>88</td>
  13938. <td>184</td>
  13939. <td>47</td>
  13940. <td>...</td>
  13941. <td>104.0</td>
  13942. <td>5.0</td>
  13943. <td>3.0</td>
  13944. <td>35</td>
  13945. <td>57.0</td>
  13946. <td>10.0</td>
  13947. <td>8.0</td>
  13948. <td>0.0</td>
  13949. <td>8.0</td>
  13950. <td>4.0</td>
  13951. </tr>
  13952. <tr>
  13953. <th>102429</th>
  13954. <td>ramoswi01</td>
  13955. <td>2016</td>
  13956. <td>1</td>
  13957. <td>WAS</td>
  13958. <td>NL</td>
  13959. <td>131</td>
  13960. <td>482</td>
  13961. <td>58</td>
  13962. <td>148</td>
  13963. <td>25</td>
  13964. <td>...</td>
  13965. <td>80.0</td>
  13966. <td>0.0</td>
  13967. <td>0.0</td>
  13968. <td>35</td>
  13969. <td>79.0</td>
  13970. <td>2.0</td>
  13971. <td>2.0</td>
  13972. <td>0.0</td>
  13973. <td>4.0</td>
  13974. <td>17.0</td>
  13975. </tr>
  13976. <tr>
  13977. <th>102449</th>
  13978. <td>rendoan01</td>
  13979. <td>2016</td>
  13980. <td>1</td>
  13981. <td>WAS</td>
  13982. <td>NL</td>
  13983. <td>156</td>
  13984. <td>567</td>
  13985. <td>91</td>
  13986. <td>153</td>
  13987. <td>38</td>
  13988. <td>...</td>
  13989. <td>85.0</td>
  13990. <td>12.0</td>
  13991. <td>6.0</td>
  13992. <td>65</td>
  13993. <td>117.0</td>
  13994. <td>2.0</td>
  13995. <td>7.0</td>
  13996. <td>0.0</td>
  13997. <td>8.0</td>
  13998. <td>5.0</td>
  13999. </tr>
  14000. <tr>
  14001. <th>102451</th>
  14002. <td>reverbe01</td>
  14003. <td>2016</td>
  14004. <td>1</td>
  14005. <td>WAS</td>
  14006. <td>NL</td>
  14007. <td>103</td>
  14008. <td>350</td>
  14009. <td>44</td>
  14010. <td>76</td>
  14011. <td>9</td>
  14012. <td>...</td>
  14013. <td>24.0</td>
  14014. <td>14.0</td>
  14015. <td>5.0</td>
  14016. <td>18</td>
  14017. <td>34.0</td>
  14018. <td>0.0</td>
  14019. <td>3.0</td>
  14020. <td>2.0</td>
  14021. <td>2.0</td>
  14022. <td>12.0</td>
  14023. </tr>
  14024. <tr>
  14025. <th>102472</th>
  14026. <td>robincl01</td>
  14027. <td>2016</td>
  14028. <td>1</td>
  14029. <td>WAS</td>
  14030. <td>NL</td>
  14031. <td>104</td>
  14032. <td>196</td>
  14033. <td>16</td>
  14034. <td>46</td>
  14035. <td>4</td>
  14036. <td>...</td>
  14037. <td>26.0</td>
  14038. <td>0.0</td>
  14039. <td>0.0</td>
  14040. <td>20</td>
  14041. <td>38.0</td>
  14042. <td>0.0</td>
  14043. <td>2.0</td>
  14044. <td>1.0</td>
  14045. <td>5.0</td>
  14046. <td>4.0</td>
  14047. </tr>
  14048. <tr>
  14049. <th>102763</th>
  14050. <td>werthja01</td>
  14051. <td>2016</td>
  14052. <td>1</td>
  14053. <td>WAS</td>
  14054. <td>NL</td>
  14055. <td>143</td>
  14056. <td>525</td>
  14057. <td>84</td>
  14058. <td>128</td>
  14059. <td>28</td>
  14060. <td>...</td>
  14061. <td>69.0</td>
  14062. <td>5.0</td>
  14063. <td>1.0</td>
  14064. <td>71</td>
  14065. <td>139.0</td>
  14066. <td>0.0</td>
  14067. <td>4.0</td>
  14068. <td>0.0</td>
  14069. <td>6.0</td>
  14070. <td>17.0</td>
  14071. </tr>
  14072. <tr>
  14073. <th>102812</th>
  14074. <td>zimmery01</td>
  14075. <td>2016</td>
  14076. <td>1</td>
  14077. <td>WAS</td>
  14078. <td>NL</td>
  14079. <td>115</td>
  14080. <td>427</td>
  14081. <td>60</td>
  14082. <td>93</td>
  14083. <td>18</td>
  14084. <td>...</td>
  14085. <td>46.0</td>
  14086. <td>4.0</td>
  14087. <td>1.0</td>
  14088. <td>29</td>
  14089. <td>104.0</td>
  14090. <td>1.0</td>
  14091. <td>5.0</td>
  14092. <td>0.0</td>
  14093. <td>6.0</td>
  14094. <td>12.0</td>
  14095. </tr>
  14096. </tbody>
  14097. </table>
  14098. <p>16 rows × 22 columns</p>
  14099. </div>
  14100. </div>
  14101. </div>
  14102. </div>
  14103. </div>
  14104. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  14105. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14106. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14107. </div>
  14108. <div class="inner_cell">
  14109. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14110. <h2 id="Excel">Excel<a class="anchor-link" href="#Excel">&#182;</a></h2><p>Loading Excel data is nearly as easy as CSV data. This time we'll use a different data source and show how to access it in a slightly different manner. Instead of the <em>local</em> file source, we will use a <em>remote URL</em> for the resource. This will show us exactly how easy it is to seamlessly interchange various data resources.</p>
  14111. </div>
  14112. </div>
  14113. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14114. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14115. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14116. </div>
  14117. <div class="inner_cell">
  14118. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14119. <p><strong>DATA SOURCES</strong></p>
  14120. <ul>
  14121. <li><a href="">US Bureau of Transportation Statistics | Airline Employment Data</a> which includes data for year-over-year percentage change in employment for workers in the passenger airline industry</li>
  14122. </ul>
  14123. <p>To read data from the data set we will access it by URL and use the <a href=""><code>pandas.read_excel()</code> method</a> note we're using the <code>sheetname=None</code> parameter to read each sheet to be assigned its own key in a dictionary for easy lookup by sheet name.</p>
  14124. </div>
  14125. </div>
  14126. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14127. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14128. <div class="input">
  14129. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[13]:</div>
  14130. <div class="inner_cell">
  14131. <div class="input_area">
  14132. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">xl</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">read_excel</span><span class="p">(</span>
  14133. <span class="s2">&quot;;</span><span class="p">,</span>
  14134. <span class="n">sheetname</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="kc">None</span><span class="p">)</span>
  14135. </pre></div>
  14136. </div>
  14137. </div>
  14138. </div>
  14139. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14140. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14141. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14142. </div>
  14143. <div class="inner_cell">
  14144. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14145. <p>Notice now, if we want to access the <em>sheet</em> called <code>Table1</code> we can easily do this in a Pythonic way much like any other dictionary. The result is the DataFrame representation of that <em>sheet</em>.</p>
  14146. </div>
  14147. </div>
  14148. </div><div class="fragment">
  14149. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14150. <div class="input">
  14151. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[14]:</div>
  14152. <div class="inner_cell">
  14153. <div class="input_area">
  14154. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">xl_tbl1</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">xl</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;Table1&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span>
  14155. <span class="n">xl_tbl1</span>
  14156. </pre></div>
  14157. </div>
  14158. </div>
  14159. </div>
  14160. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14161. <div class="output">
  14162. <div class="output_area">
  14163. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[14]:</div>
  14164. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14165. <div>
  14166. <style>
  14167. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  14168. text-align: right;
  14169. }
  14170. .dataframe thead th {
  14171. text-align: left;
  14172. }
  14173. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  14174. vertical-align: top;
  14175. }
  14176. </style>
  14177. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  14178. <thead>
  14179. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  14180. <th></th>
  14181. <th>Table 1: Yearly Change in Scheduled Passenger Airline Full-time Equivalent Employees* by Airline Group</th>
  14182. <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
  14183. <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
  14184. <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
  14185. <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
  14186. <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
  14187. </tr>
  14188. </thead>
  14189. <tbody>
  14190. <tr>
  14191. <th>0</th>
  14192. <td>Most recent 13 months - percent change from sa...</td>
  14193. <td>NaN</td>
  14194. <td>NaN</td>
  14195. <td>NaN</td>
  14196. <td>NaN</td>
  14197. <td>NaN</td>
  14198. </tr>
  14199. <tr>
  14200. <th>1</th>
  14201. <td>NaN</td>
  14202. <td>Network Airlines</td>
  14203. <td>Low-Cost Airlines</td>
  14204. <td>Regional Airlines</td>
  14205. <td>Other Airlines</td>
  14206. <td>All Passenger Airlines **</td>
  14207. </tr>
  14208. <tr>
  14209. <th>2</th>
  14210. <td>May 2015 - May 2016</td>
  14211. <td>2.3</td>
  14212. <td>10.7</td>
  14213. <td>0.2</td>
  14214. <td>9.3</td>
  14215. <td>3.7</td>
  14216. </tr>
  14217. <tr>
  14218. <th>3</th>
  14219. <td>Jun 2015 - Jun 2016</td>
  14220. <td>2.3</td>
  14221. <td>11</td>
  14222. <td>0.9</td>
  14223. <td>10.6</td>
  14224. <td>3.9</td>
  14225. </tr>
  14226. <tr>
  14227. <th>4</th>
  14228. <td>Jul 2015 - Jul 2016</td>
  14229. <td>2.4</td>
  14230. <td>11.3</td>
  14231. <td>3.3</td>
  14232. <td>11.2</td>
  14233. <td>4.3</td>
  14234. </tr>
  14235. <tr>
  14236. <th>5</th>
  14237. <td>Aug 2015 - Aug 2016</td>
  14238. <td>2.5</td>
  14239. <td>11</td>
  14240. <td>3.3</td>
  14241. <td>11.9</td>
  14242. <td>4.3</td>
  14243. </tr>
  14244. <tr>
  14245. <th>6</th>
  14246. <td>Sep 2015 - Sep 2016</td>
  14247. <td>2.6</td>
  14248. <td>10.6</td>
  14249. <td>2.9</td>
  14250. <td>13</td>
  14251. <td>4.3</td>
  14252. </tr>
  14253. <tr>
  14254. <th>7</th>
  14255. <td>Oct 2015 - Oct 2016</td>
  14256. <td>2.7</td>
  14257. <td>10.3</td>
  14258. <td>0.3</td>
  14259. <td>12.7</td>
  14260. <td>4</td>
  14261. </tr>
  14262. <tr>
  14263. <th>8</th>
  14264. <td>Nov 2015 - Nov 2016</td>
  14265. <td>2.3</td>
  14266. <td>9.8</td>
  14267. <td>0.2</td>
  14268. <td>13.5</td>
  14269. <td>3.7</td>
  14270. </tr>
  14271. <tr>
  14272. <th>9</th>
  14273. <td>Dec 2015 - Dec 2016</td>
  14274. <td>2.4</td>
  14275. <td>9.5</td>
  14276. <td>0.2</td>
  14277. <td>13.7</td>
  14278. <td>3.7</td>
  14279. </tr>
  14280. <tr>
  14281. <th>10</th>
  14282. <td>Jan 2016 - Jan 2017</td>
  14283. <td>2.3</td>
  14284. <td>9.7</td>
  14285. <td>1.9</td>
  14286. <td>12.7</td>
  14287. <td>3.9</td>
  14288. </tr>
  14289. <tr>
  14290. <th>11</th>
  14291. <td>Feb 2016 - Feb 2017</td>
  14292. <td>2.4</td>
  14293. <td>9.4</td>
  14294. <td>2.4</td>
  14295. <td>11.8</td>
  14296. <td>3.9</td>
  14297. </tr>
  14298. <tr>
  14299. <th>12</th>
  14300. <td>Mar 2016 - Mar 2017</td>
  14301. <td>2.7</td>
  14302. <td>9.1</td>
  14303. <td>2</td>
  14304. <td>11.7</td>
  14305. <td>4</td>
  14306. </tr>
  14307. <tr>
  14308. <th>13</th>
  14309. <td>Apr 2016 - Apr 2017</td>
  14310. <td>2.6</td>
  14311. <td>8.5</td>
  14312. <td>2.1</td>
  14313. <td>10.7</td>
  14314. <td>3.9</td>
  14315. </tr>
  14316. <tr>
  14317. <th>14</th>
  14318. <td>May 2016 - May 2017</td>
  14319. <td>2.4</td>
  14320. <td>8.3</td>
  14321. <td>2.5</td>
  14322. <td>4.2</td>
  14323. <td>3.6</td>
  14324. </tr>
  14325. <tr>
  14326. <th>15</th>
  14327. <td>Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics</td>
  14328. <td>NaN</td>
  14329. <td>NaN</td>
  14330. <td>NaN</td>
  14331. <td>NaN</td>
  14332. <td>NaN</td>
  14333. </tr>
  14334. <tr>
  14335. <th>16</th>
  14336. <td>* Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculat...</td>
  14337. <td>NaN</td>
  14338. <td>NaN</td>
  14339. <td>NaN</td>
  14340. <td>NaN</td>
  14341. <td>NaN</td>
  14342. </tr>
  14343. <tr>
  14344. <th>17</th>
  14345. <td>** Includes network, low-cost, regional and ot...</td>
  14346. <td>NaN</td>
  14347. <td>NaN</td>
  14348. <td>NaN</td>
  14349. <td>NaN</td>
  14350. <td>NaN</td>
  14351. </tr>
  14352. <tr>
  14353. <th>18</th>
  14354. <td>Note: Percent changes based on numbers prior t...</td>
  14355. <td>NaN</td>
  14356. <td>NaN</td>
  14357. <td>NaN</td>
  14358. <td>NaN</td>
  14359. <td>NaN</td>
  14360. </tr>
  14361. <tr>
  14362. <th>19</th>
  14363. <td>Note: See Table 2 for all passenger airlines, ...</td>
  14364. <td>NaN</td>
  14365. <td>NaN</td>
  14366. <td>NaN</td>
  14367. <td>NaN</td>
  14368. <td>NaN</td>
  14369. </tr>
  14370. </tbody>
  14371. </table>
  14372. </div>
  14373. </div>
  14374. </div>
  14375. </div>
  14376. </div>
  14377. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  14378. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14379. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14380. </div>
  14381. <div class="inner_cell">
  14382. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14383. <p>One problem we have here is that the data is not exactly as clean as we want it to be. We'll spend more time talking about the <code>iloc</code>() method in the next section, but for now, let's get a flavor for how we might clean this up so it is more usable.</p>
  14384. </div>
  14385. </div>
  14386. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14387. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14388. <div class="input">
  14389. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[15]:</div>
  14390. <div class="inner_cell">
  14391. <div class="input_area">
  14392. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="c1"># lets select the (row) index </span>
  14393. <span class="n">idx</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">xl_tbl1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">iloc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="mi">15</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">]</span>
  14394. <span class="c1"># lets select the (col) index</span>
  14395. <span class="n">col</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">xl_tbl1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">iloc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">:]</span>
  14396. <span class="nb">print</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">idx</span><span class="p">)</span>
  14397. <span class="nb">print</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">col</span><span class="p">)</span>
  14398. </pre></div>
  14399. </div>
  14400. </div>
  14401. </div>
  14402. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14403. <div class="output">
  14404. <div class="output_area">
  14405. <div class="prompt"></div>
  14406. <div class="output_subarea output_stream output_stdout output_text">
  14407. <pre> Table 1: Yearly Change in Scheduled Passenger Airline Full-time Equivalent Employees* by Airline Group
  14408. 2 May 2015 - May 2016
  14409. 3 Jun 2015 - Jun 2016
  14410. 4 Jul 2015 - Jul 2016
  14411. 5 Aug 2015 - Aug 2016
  14412. 6 Sep 2015 - Sep 2016
  14413. 7 Oct 2015 - Oct 2016
  14414. 8 Nov 2015 - Nov 2016
  14415. 9 Dec 2015 - Dec 2016
  14416. 10 Jan 2016 - Jan 2017
  14417. 11 Feb 2016 - Feb 2017
  14418. 12 Mar 2016 - Mar 2017
  14419. 13 Apr 2016 - Apr 2017
  14420. 14 May 2016 - May 2017
  14421. Unnamed: 1 Network Airlines
  14422. Unnamed: 2 Low-Cost Airlines
  14423. Unnamed: 3 Regional Airlines
  14424. Unnamed: 4 Other Airlines
  14425. Unnamed: 5 All Passenger Airlines **
  14426. Name: 1, dtype: object
  14427. </pre>
  14428. </div>
  14429. </div>
  14430. </div>
  14431. </div>
  14432. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14433. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14434. <div class="input">
  14435. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[16]:</div>
  14436. <div class="inner_cell">
  14437. <div class="input_area">
  14438. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="c1"># we&#39;ll create the index object</span>
  14439. <span class="n">idxs</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">Index</span><span class="p">([</span><span class="n">v</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="k">for</span> <span class="n">v</span> <span class="ow">in</span> <span class="n">idx</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span><span class="p">])</span>
  14440. <span class="n">idxs</span>
  14441. </pre></div>
  14442. </div>
  14443. </div>
  14444. </div>
  14445. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14446. <div class="output">
  14447. <div class="output_area">
  14448. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[16]:</div>
  14449. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14450. <pre>Index([&#39;May 2015 - May 2016&#39;, &#39;Jun 2015 - Jun 2016&#39;, &#39;Jul 2015 - Jul 2016&#39;,
  14451. &#39;Aug 2015 - Aug 2016&#39;, &#39;Sep 2015 - Sep 2016&#39;, &#39;Oct 2015 - Oct 2016&#39;,
  14452. &#39;Nov 2015 - Nov 2016&#39;, &#39;Dec 2015 - Dec 2016&#39;, &#39;Jan 2016 - Jan 2017&#39;,
  14453. &#39;Feb 2016 - Feb 2017&#39;, &#39;Mar 2016 - Mar 2017&#39;, &#39;Apr 2016 - Apr 2017&#39;,
  14454. &#39;May 2016 - May 2017&#39;],
  14455. dtype=&#39;object&#39;)</pre>
  14456. </div>
  14457. </div>
  14458. </div>
  14459. </div>
  14460. </div><div class="fragment">
  14461. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14462. <div class="input">
  14463. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[17]:</div>
  14464. <div class="inner_cell">
  14465. <div class="input_area">
  14466. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="c1"># set the columns</span>
  14467. <span class="n">cols</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="n">v</span> <span class="k">for</span> <span class="n">v</span> <span class="ow">in</span> <span class="n">col</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span><span class="p">]</span>
  14468. <span class="n">cols</span>
  14469. </pre></div>
  14470. </div>
  14471. </div>
  14472. </div>
  14473. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14474. <div class="output">
  14475. <div class="output_area">
  14476. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[17]:</div>
  14477. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14478. <pre>[&#39;Network Airlines&#39;,
  14479. &#39;Low-Cost Airlines&#39;,
  14480. &#39;Regional Airlines&#39;,
  14481. &#39;Other Airlines&#39;,
  14482. &#39;All Passenger Airlines **&#39;]</pre>
  14483. </div>
  14484. </div>
  14485. </div>
  14486. </div>
  14487. </div></div></section><section>
  14488. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14489. <div class="input">
  14490. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[18]:</div>
  14491. <div class="inner_cell">
  14492. <div class="input_area">
  14493. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="c1"># now for the data</span>
  14494. <span class="n">data</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">xl_tbl1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">iloc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="mi">15</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">:]</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span>
  14495. <span class="n">data</span>
  14496. </pre></div>
  14497. </div>
  14498. </div>
  14499. </div>
  14500. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14501. <div class="output">
  14502. <div class="output_area">
  14503. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[18]:</div>
  14504. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14505. <pre>array([[2.3, 10.7, 0.2, 9.3, 3.7],
  14506. [2.3, 11, 0.9, 10.6, 3.9],
  14507. [2.4, 11.3, 3.3, 11.2, 4.3],
  14508. [2.5, 11, 3.3, 11.9, 4.3],
  14509. [2.6, 10.6, 2.9, 13, 4.3],
  14510. [2.7, 10.3, 0.3, 12.7, 4],
  14511. [2.3, 9.8, 0.2, 13.5, 3.7],
  14512. [2.4, 9.5, 0.2, 13.7, 3.7],
  14513. [2.3, 9.7, 1.9, 12.7, 3.9],
  14514. [2.4, 9.4, 2.4, 11.8, 3.9],
  14515. [2.7, 9.1, 2, 11.7, 4],
  14516. [2.6, 8.5, 2.1, 10.7, 3.9],
  14517. [2.4, 8.3, 2.5, 4.2, 3.6]], dtype=object)</pre>
  14518. </div>
  14519. </div>
  14520. </div>
  14521. </div>
  14522. </div></section><section>
  14523. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14524. <div class="input">
  14525. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[19]:</div>
  14526. <div class="inner_cell">
  14527. <div class="input_area">
  14528. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="c1"># putting it all together ...</span>
  14529. <span class="n">df_tbl1</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">DataFrame</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">data</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">xl_tbl1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">iloc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="mi">15</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">:]</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span><span class="p">,</span>
  14530. <span class="n">columns</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="n">v</span> <span class="k">for</span> <span class="n">v</span> <span class="ow">in</span> <span class="n">col</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span><span class="p">],</span>
  14531. <span class="n">index</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">Index</span><span class="p">([</span><span class="n">v</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="k">for</span> <span class="n">v</span> <span class="ow">in</span> <span class="n">idx</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">values</span><span class="p">]))</span>
  14532. <span class="n">df_tbl1</span>
  14533. </pre></div>
  14534. </div>
  14535. </div>
  14536. </div>
  14537. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14538. <div class="output">
  14539. <div class="output_area">
  14540. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[19]:</div>
  14541. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14542. <div>
  14543. <style>
  14544. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  14545. text-align: right;
  14546. }
  14547. .dataframe thead th {
  14548. text-align: left;
  14549. }
  14550. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  14551. vertical-align: top;
  14552. }
  14553. </style>
  14554. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  14555. <thead>
  14556. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  14557. <th></th>
  14558. <th>Network Airlines</th>
  14559. <th>Low-Cost Airlines</th>
  14560. <th>Regional Airlines</th>
  14561. <th>Other Airlines</th>
  14562. <th>All Passenger Airlines **</th>
  14563. </tr>
  14564. </thead>
  14565. <tbody>
  14566. <tr>
  14567. <th>May 2015 - May 2016</th>
  14568. <td>2.3</td>
  14569. <td>10.7</td>
  14570. <td>0.2</td>
  14571. <td>9.3</td>
  14572. <td>3.7</td>
  14573. </tr>
  14574. <tr>
  14575. <th>Jun 2015 - Jun 2016</th>
  14576. <td>2.3</td>
  14577. <td>11</td>
  14578. <td>0.9</td>
  14579. <td>10.6</td>
  14580. <td>3.9</td>
  14581. </tr>
  14582. <tr>
  14583. <th>Jul 2015 - Jul 2016</th>
  14584. <td>2.4</td>
  14585. <td>11.3</td>
  14586. <td>3.3</td>
  14587. <td>11.2</td>
  14588. <td>4.3</td>
  14589. </tr>
  14590. <tr>
  14591. <th>Aug 2015 - Aug 2016</th>
  14592. <td>2.5</td>
  14593. <td>11</td>
  14594. <td>3.3</td>
  14595. <td>11.9</td>
  14596. <td>4.3</td>
  14597. </tr>
  14598. <tr>
  14599. <th>Sep 2015 - Sep 2016</th>
  14600. <td>2.6</td>
  14601. <td>10.6</td>
  14602. <td>2.9</td>
  14603. <td>13</td>
  14604. <td>4.3</td>
  14605. </tr>
  14606. <tr>
  14607. <th>Oct 2015 - Oct 2016</th>
  14608. <td>2.7</td>
  14609. <td>10.3</td>
  14610. <td>0.3</td>
  14611. <td>12.7</td>
  14612. <td>4</td>
  14613. </tr>
  14614. <tr>
  14615. <th>Nov 2015 - Nov 2016</th>
  14616. <td>2.3</td>
  14617. <td>9.8</td>
  14618. <td>0.2</td>
  14619. <td>13.5</td>
  14620. <td>3.7</td>
  14621. </tr>
  14622. <tr>
  14623. <th>Dec 2015 - Dec 2016</th>
  14624. <td>2.4</td>
  14625. <td>9.5</td>
  14626. <td>0.2</td>
  14627. <td>13.7</td>
  14628. <td>3.7</td>
  14629. </tr>
  14630. <tr>
  14631. <th>Jan 2016 - Jan 2017</th>
  14632. <td>2.3</td>
  14633. <td>9.7</td>
  14634. <td>1.9</td>
  14635. <td>12.7</td>
  14636. <td>3.9</td>
  14637. </tr>
  14638. <tr>
  14639. <th>Feb 2016 - Feb 2017</th>
  14640. <td>2.4</td>
  14641. <td>9.4</td>
  14642. <td>2.4</td>
  14643. <td>11.8</td>
  14644. <td>3.9</td>
  14645. </tr>
  14646. <tr>
  14647. <th>Mar 2016 - Mar 2017</th>
  14648. <td>2.7</td>
  14649. <td>9.1</td>
  14650. <td>2</td>
  14651. <td>11.7</td>
  14652. <td>4</td>
  14653. </tr>
  14654. <tr>
  14655. <th>Apr 2016 - Apr 2017</th>
  14656. <td>2.6</td>
  14657. <td>8.5</td>
  14658. <td>2.1</td>
  14659. <td>10.7</td>
  14660. <td>3.9</td>
  14661. </tr>
  14662. <tr>
  14663. <th>May 2016 - May 2017</th>
  14664. <td>2.4</td>
  14665. <td>8.3</td>
  14666. <td>2.5</td>
  14667. <td>4.2</td>
  14668. <td>3.6</td>
  14669. </tr>
  14670. </tbody>
  14671. </table>
  14672. </div>
  14673. </div>
  14674. </div>
  14675. </div>
  14676. </div>
  14677. </div></section><section>
  14678. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14679. <div class="input">
  14680. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[20]:</div>
  14681. <div class="inner_cell">
  14682. <div class="input_area">
  14683. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df_tbl1</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;Network Airlines&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span>
  14684. </pre></div>
  14685. </div>
  14686. </div>
  14687. </div>
  14688. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14689. <div class="output">
  14690. <div class="output_area">
  14691. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[20]:</div>
  14692. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14693. <pre>May 2015 - May 2016 2.3
  14694. Jun 2015 - Jun 2016 2.3
  14695. Jul 2015 - Jul 2016 2.4
  14696. Aug 2015 - Aug 2016 2.5
  14697. Sep 2015 - Sep 2016 2.6
  14698. Oct 2015 - Oct 2016 2.7
  14699. Nov 2015 - Nov 2016 2.3
  14700. Dec 2015 - Dec 2016 2.4
  14701. Jan 2016 - Jan 2017 2.3
  14702. Feb 2016 - Feb 2017 2.4
  14703. Mar 2016 - Mar 2017 2.7
  14704. Apr 2016 - Apr 2017 2.6
  14705. May 2016 - May 2017 2.4
  14706. Name: Network Airlines, dtype: object</pre>
  14707. </div>
  14708. </div>
  14709. </div>
  14710. </div>
  14711. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14712. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14713. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14714. </div>
  14715. <div class="inner_cell">
  14716. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14717. <h2 id="JSON">JSON<a class="anchor-link" href="#JSON">&#182;</a></h2><p>JSON has become a standard format format for many web data sources. It is succinct, readable and very portable -- there are libraries in nearly every modern language that can parse JSON, Python being no exception. We'll load a remote JSON data source to demonstrate remote access as well as the capabilities of using Pandas to load such a source.</p>
  14718. </div>
  14719. </div>
  14720. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14721. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  14722. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  14723. </div>
  14724. <div class="inner_cell">
  14725. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  14726. <p><strong>JSON DATA SOURCE</strong></p>
  14727. <ul>
  14728. <li><a href="">Quotes for developers</a> by <em>fortrabbit</em></li>
  14729. </ul>
  14730. <p>If we haven't noticed the pattern yet, loading JSON data will come as no surprise via the <a href=""><code>pandas.read_json()</code></a>.</p>
  14731. <p>With JSON data you may get the best results with relatively <em>flat</em> JSON objects. If you need to obtain different results (or you're getting results that are not as expected), you might instead into the <code>orient</code> parameter to get different resulting DataFrames. We'll load the data as-is and reshape our DataFrame for some extra practice.</p>
  14732. </div>
  14733. </div>
  14734. </div></section></section><section><section>
  14735. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  14736. <div class="input">
  14737. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[21]:</div>
  14738. <div class="inner_cell">
  14739. <div class="input_area">
  14740. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">read_json</span><span class="p">(</span>
  14741. <span class="s2">&quot;;</span><span class="p">)</span>
  14742. <span class="n">df</span>
  14743. </pre></div>
  14744. </div>
  14745. </div>
  14746. </div>
  14747. <div class="output_wrapper">
  14748. <div class="output">
  14749. <div class="output_area">
  14750. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[21]:</div>
  14751. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  14752. <div>
  14753. <style>
  14754. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  14755. text-align: right;
  14756. }
  14757. .dataframe thead th {
  14758. text-align: left;
  14759. }
  14760. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  14761. vertical-align: top;
  14762. }
  14763. </style>
  14764. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  14765. <thead>
  14766. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  14767. <th></th>
  14768. <th>author</th>
  14769. <th>text</th>
  14770. </tr>
  14771. </thead>
  14772. <tbody>
  14773. <tr>
  14774. <th>0</th>
  14775. <td>Martin Golding</td>
  14776. <td>Always code as if the guy who ends up maintain...</td>
  14777. </tr>
  14778. <tr>
  14779. <th>1</th>
  14780. <td>Unknown</td>
  14781. <td>All computers wait at the same speed.</td>
  14782. </tr>
  14783. <tr>
  14784. <th>2</th>
  14785. <td>Unknown</td>
  14786. <td>A misplaced decimal point will always end up w...</td>
  14787. </tr>
  14788. <tr>
  14789. <th>3</th>
  14790. <td>Unknown</td>
  14791. <td>A good programmer looks both ways before cross...</td>
  14792. </tr>
  14793. <tr>
  14794. <th>4</th>
  14795. <td>Unknown</td>
  14796. <td>A computer program does what you tell it to do...</td>
  14797. </tr>
  14798. <tr>
  14799. <th>5</th>
  14800. <td>Unknown</td>
  14801. <td>"Intel Inside" is a Government Warning require...</td>
  14802. </tr>
  14803. <tr>
  14804. <th>6</th>
  14805. <td>Arthur Godfrey</td>
  14806. <td>Common sense gets a lot of credit that belongs...</td>
  14807. </tr>
  14808. <tr>
  14809. <th>7</th>
  14810. <td>Unknown</td>
  14811. <td>Chuck Norris doesn’t go hunting. Chuck Norris ...</td>
  14812. </tr>
  14813. <tr>
  14814. <th>8</th>
  14815. <td>Unknown</td>
  14816. <td>Chuck Norris counted to infinity... twice.</td>
  14817. </tr>
  14818. <tr>
  14819. <th>9</th>
  14820. <td>Unknown</td>
  14821. <td>C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.</td>
  14822. </tr>
  14823. <tr>
  14824. <th>10</th>
  14825. <td>Unknown</td>
  14826. <td>Beta is Latin for still doesn’t work.</td>
  14827. </tr>
  14828. <tr>
  14829. <th>11</th>
  14830. <td>Unknown</td>
  14831. <td>ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!</td>
  14832. </tr>
  14833. <tr>
  14834. <th>12</th>
  14835. <td>Unknown</td>
  14836. <td>Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural ...</td>
  14837. </tr>
  14838. <tr>
  14839. <th>13</th>
  14840. <td>Ted Nelson</td>
  14841. <td>Any fool can use a computer. Many do.</td>
  14842. </tr>
  14843. <tr>
  14844. <th>14</th>
  14845. <td>Unknown</td>
  14846. <td>Hey! It compiles! Ship it!</td>
  14847. </tr>
  14848. <tr>
  14849. <th>15</th>
  14850. <td>Martin Luther King Junior</td>
  14851. <td>Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do t...</td>
  14852. </tr>
  14853. <tr>
  14854. <th>16</th>
  14855. <td>Unknown</td>
  14856. <td>Guns don’t kill people. Chuck Norris kills peo...</td>
  14857. </tr>
  14858. <tr>
  14859. <th>17</th>
  14860. <td>Unknown</td>
  14861. <td>God is real, unless declared integer.</td>
  14862. </tr>
  14863. <tr>
  14864. <th>18</th>
  14865. <td>John Johnson</td>
  14866. <td>First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.</td>
  14867. </tr>
  14868. <tr>
  14869. <th>19</th>
  14870. <td>Oscar Wilde</td>
  14871. <td>Experience is the name everyone gives to their...</td>
  14872. </tr>
  14873. <tr>
  14874. <th>20</th>
  14875. <td>Miguel de Icaza</td>
  14876. <td>Every piece of software written today is likel...</td>
  14877. </tr>
  14878. <tr>
  14879. <th>21</th>
  14880. <td>Unknown</td>
  14881. <td>Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.</td>
  14882. </tr>
  14883. <tr>
  14884. <th>22</th>
  14885. <td>Unknown</td>
  14886. <td>Computers do not solve problems, they execute ...</td>
  14887. </tr>
  14888. <tr>
  14889. <th>23</th>
  14890. <td>Unknown</td>
  14891. <td>I have NOT lost my mind—I have it backed up on...</td>
  14892. </tr>
  14893. <tr>
  14894. <th>24</th>
  14895. <td>Unknown</td>
  14896. <td>If brute force doesn’t solve your problems, th...</td>
  14897. </tr>
  14898. <tr>
  14899. <th>25</th>
  14900. <td>Unknown</td>
  14901. <td>It works on my machine.</td>
  14902. </tr>
  14903. <tr>
  14904. <th>26</th>
  14905. <td>Unknown</td>
  14906. <td>Java is, in many ways, C++??.</td>
  14907. </tr>
  14908. <tr>
  14909. <th>27</th>
  14910. <td>Unknown</td>
  14911. <td>Keyboard not found...Press any key to continue.</td>
  14912. </tr>
  14913. <tr>
  14914. <th>28</th>
  14915. <td>Unknown</td>
  14916. <td>Life would be so much easier if we only had th...</td>
  14917. </tr>
  14918. <tr>
  14919. <th>29</th>
  14920. <td>Unknown</td>
  14921. <td>Mac users swear by their Mac, PC users swear a...</td>
  14922. </tr>
  14923. <tr>
  14924. <th>...</th>
  14925. <td>...</td>
  14926. <td>...</td>
  14927. </tr>
  14928. <tr>
  14929. <th>159</th>
  14930. <td>Paul Graham</td>
  14931. <td>OO programming offers a sustainable way to wri...</td>
  14932. </tr>
  14933. <tr>
  14934. <th>160</th>
  14935. <td>Nikita Popov</td>
  14936. <td>Ruby is rubbish! PHP is phpantastic!</td>
  14937. </tr>
  14938. <tr>
  14939. <th>161</th>
  14940. <td>Douglas Adams</td>
  14941. <td>So long and thanks for all the fish!</td>
  14942. </tr>
  14943. <tr>
  14944. <th>162</th>
  14945. <td>Cicero</td>
  14946. <td>If I had more time, I would have written a sho...</td>
  14947. </tr>
  14948. <tr>
  14949. <th>163</th>
  14950. <td>Jeff Atwood</td>
  14951. <td>The best reaction to "this is confusing, where...</td>
  14952. </tr>
  14953. <tr>
  14954. <th>164</th>
  14955. <td>Jeff Atwood</td>
  14956. <td>The older I get, the more I believe that the o...</td>
  14957. </tr>
  14958. <tr>
  14959. <th>165</th>
  14960. <td>Douglas Crockford</td>
  14961. <td>"That hardly ever happens" is another way of s...</td>
  14962. </tr>
  14963. <tr>
  14964. <th>166</th>
  14965. <td>Anna Debenham</td>
  14966. <td>Hello, PHP, my old friend.</td>
  14967. </tr>
  14968. <tr>
  14969. <th>167</th>
  14970. <td>Melvin Conway</td>
  14971. <td>Organizations which design systems are constra...</td>
  14972. </tr>
  14973. <tr>
  14974. <th>168</th>
  14975. <td>Melvin Conway</td>
  14976. <td>In design, complexity is toxic.</td>
  14977. </tr>
  14978. <tr>
  14979. <th>169</th>
  14980. <td>Jeffrey Zeldman</td>
  14981. <td>Good is the enemy of great, but great is the e...</td>
  14982. </tr>
  14983. <tr>
  14984. <th>170</th>
  14985. <td>Rick Lemons</td>
  14986. <td>Don't make the user provide information that t...</td>
  14987. </tr>
  14988. <tr>
  14989. <th>171</th>
  14990. <td>Donald E. Knuth</td>
  14991. <td>You're bound to be unhappy if you optimize eve...</td>
  14992. </tr>
  14993. <tr>
  14994. <th>172</th>
  14995. <td>Anna Nachesa</td>
  14996. <td>If the programmers like each other, they play ...</td>
  14997. </tr>
  14998. <tr>
  14999. <th>173</th>
  15000. <td>Edsger W. Dijkstra</td>
  15001. <td>Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.</td>
  15002. </tr>
  15003. <tr>
  15004. <th>174</th>
  15005. <td>Jordi Boggiano</td>
  15006. <td>Focus on WHY instead of WHAT in your code will...</td>
  15007. </tr>
  15008. <tr>
  15009. <th>175</th>
  15010. <td>Andrei Herasimchuk</td>
  15011. <td>The best engineers I know are artists at heart...</td>
  15012. </tr>
  15013. <tr>
  15014. <th>176</th>
  15015. <td>Barry Boehm</td>
  15016. <td>Poor management can increase software costs mo...</td>
  15017. </tr>
  15018. <tr>
  15019. <th>177</th>
  15020. <td>Daniel Bryant</td>
  15021. <td>If you can't deploy your services independentl...</td>
  15022. </tr>
  15023. <tr>
  15024. <th>178</th>
  15025. <td>Daniel Bryant</td>
  15026. <td>If you can't deploy your services independentl...</td>
  15027. </tr>
  15028. <tr>
  15029. <th>179</th>
  15030. <td>Jeff Atwood</td>
  15031. <td>No one hates software more than software devel...</td>
  15032. </tr>
  15033. <tr>
  15034. <th>180</th>
  15035. <td>Robert C. Martin</td>
  15036. <td>The proper use of comments is to compensate fo...</td>
  15037. </tr>
  15038. <tr>
  15039. <th>181</th>
  15040. <td>Cory House</td>
  15041. <td>Code is like humor. When you have to explain i...</td>
  15042. </tr>
  15043. <tr>
  15044. <th>182</th>
  15045. <td>Steve Maguire</td>
  15046. <td>Fix the cause, not the symptom.</td>
  15047. </tr>
  15048. <tr>
  15049. <th>183</th>
  15050. <td>David Heinemeier Hansson</td>
  15051. <td>Programmers are constantly making things more ...</td>
  15052. </tr>
  15053. <tr>
  15054. <th>184</th>
  15055. <td>Linus Torvalds</td>
  15056. <td>People will realize that software is not a pro...</td>
  15057. </tr>
  15058. <tr>
  15059. <th>185</th>
  15060. <td>Ron Fein</td>
  15061. <td>Design is choosing how you will fail.</td>
  15062. </tr>
  15063. <tr>
  15064. <th>186</th>
  15065. <td>Steve Jobs</td>
  15066. <td>Focus is saying no to 1000 good ideas.</td>
  15067. </tr>
  15068. <tr>
  15069. <th>187</th>
  15070. <td>Ron Jeffries</td>
  15071. <td>Code never lies, comments sometimes do.</td>
  15072. </tr>
  15073. <tr>
  15074. <th>188</th>
  15075. <td>Unknown</td>
  15076. <td>Be careful with each other, so you can be dang...</td>
  15077. </tr>
  15078. </tbody>
  15079. </table>
  15080. <p>189 rows × 2 columns</p>
  15081. </div>
  15082. </div>
  15083. </div>
  15084. </div>
  15085. </div>
  15086. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15087. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15088. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15089. </div>
  15090. <div class="inner_cell">
  15091. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15092. <p>Though not a best practice, say we wanted to set the author as the index and the quote of the text the value. In this dataset, we're going to have repeated index values, and it might make sense if we wanted to access the data this way, but be <em>very careful doing this in practice</em>.</p>
  15093. </div>
  15094. </div>
  15095. </div></section><section>
  15096. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15097. <div class="input">
  15098. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[22]:</div>
  15099. <div class="inner_cell">
  15100. <div class="input_area">
  15101. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df1</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">df</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">set_index</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">df</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;author&#39;</span><span class="p">])</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">drop</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;author&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">axis</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">)</span>
  15102. <span class="n">df1</span>
  15103. </pre></div>
  15104. </div>
  15105. </div>
  15106. </div>
  15107. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15108. <div class="output">
  15109. <div class="output_area">
  15110. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[22]:</div>
  15111. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15112. <div>
  15113. <style>
  15114. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  15115. text-align: right;
  15116. }
  15117. .dataframe thead th {
  15118. text-align: left;
  15119. }
  15120. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  15121. vertical-align: top;
  15122. }
  15123. </style>
  15124. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  15125. <thead>
  15126. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  15127. <th></th>
  15128. <th>text</th>
  15129. </tr>
  15130. <tr>
  15131. <th>author</th>
  15132. <th></th>
  15133. </tr>
  15134. </thead>
  15135. <tbody>
  15136. <tr>
  15137. <th>Martin Golding</th>
  15138. <td>Always code as if the guy who ends up maintain...</td>
  15139. </tr>
  15140. <tr>
  15141. <th>Unknown</th>
  15142. <td>All computers wait at the same speed.</td>
  15143. </tr>
  15144. <tr>
  15145. <th>Unknown</th>
  15146. <td>A misplaced decimal point will always end up w...</td>
  15147. </tr>
  15148. <tr>
  15149. <th>Unknown</th>
  15150. <td>A good programmer looks both ways before cross...</td>
  15151. </tr>
  15152. <tr>
  15153. <th>Unknown</th>
  15154. <td>A computer program does what you tell it to do...</td>
  15155. </tr>
  15156. <tr>
  15157. <th>Unknown</th>
  15158. <td>"Intel Inside" is a Government Warning require...</td>
  15159. </tr>
  15160. <tr>
  15161. <th>Arthur Godfrey</th>
  15162. <td>Common sense gets a lot of credit that belongs...</td>
  15163. </tr>
  15164. <tr>
  15165. <th>Unknown</th>
  15166. <td>Chuck Norris doesn’t go hunting. Chuck Norris ...</td>
  15167. </tr>
  15168. <tr>
  15169. <th>Unknown</th>
  15170. <td>Chuck Norris counted to infinity... twice.</td>
  15171. </tr>
  15172. <tr>
  15173. <th>Unknown</th>
  15174. <td>C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.</td>
  15175. </tr>
  15176. <tr>
  15177. <th>Unknown</th>
  15178. <td>Beta is Latin for still doesn’t work.</td>
  15179. </tr>
  15180. <tr>
  15181. <th>Unknown</th>
  15182. <td>ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!</td>
  15183. </tr>
  15184. <tr>
  15185. <th>Unknown</th>
  15186. <td>Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural ...</td>
  15187. </tr>
  15188. <tr>
  15189. <th>Ted Nelson</th>
  15190. <td>Any fool can use a computer. Many do.</td>
  15191. </tr>
  15192. <tr>
  15193. <th>Unknown</th>
  15194. <td>Hey! It compiles! Ship it!</td>
  15195. </tr>
  15196. <tr>
  15197. <th>Martin Luther King Junior</th>
  15198. <td>Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do t...</td>
  15199. </tr>
  15200. <tr>
  15201. <th>Unknown</th>
  15202. <td>Guns don’t kill people. Chuck Norris kills peo...</td>
  15203. </tr>
  15204. <tr>
  15205. <th>Unknown</th>
  15206. <td>God is real, unless declared integer.</td>
  15207. </tr>
  15208. <tr>
  15209. <th>John Johnson</th>
  15210. <td>First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.</td>
  15211. </tr>
  15212. <tr>
  15213. <th>Oscar Wilde</th>
  15214. <td>Experience is the name everyone gives to their...</td>
  15215. </tr>
  15216. <tr>
  15217. <th>Miguel de Icaza</th>
  15218. <td>Every piece of software written today is likel...</td>
  15219. </tr>
  15220. <tr>
  15221. <th>Unknown</th>
  15222. <td>Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.</td>
  15223. </tr>
  15224. <tr>
  15225. <th>Unknown</th>
  15226. <td>Computers do not solve problems, they execute ...</td>
  15227. </tr>
  15228. <tr>
  15229. <th>Unknown</th>
  15230. <td>I have NOT lost my mind—I have it backed up on...</td>
  15231. </tr>
  15232. <tr>
  15233. <th>Unknown</th>
  15234. <td>If brute force doesn’t solve your problems, th...</td>
  15235. </tr>
  15236. <tr>
  15237. <th>Unknown</th>
  15238. <td>It works on my machine.</td>
  15239. </tr>
  15240. <tr>
  15241. <th>Unknown</th>
  15242. <td>Java is, in many ways, C++??.</td>
  15243. </tr>
  15244. <tr>
  15245. <th>Unknown</th>
  15246. <td>Keyboard not found...Press any key to continue.</td>
  15247. </tr>
  15248. <tr>
  15249. <th>Unknown</th>
  15250. <td>Life would be so much easier if we only had th...</td>
  15251. </tr>
  15252. <tr>
  15253. <th>Unknown</th>
  15254. <td>Mac users swear by their Mac, PC users swear a...</td>
  15255. </tr>
  15256. <tr>
  15257. <th>...</th>
  15258. <td>...</td>
  15259. </tr>
  15260. <tr>
  15261. <th>Paul Graham</th>
  15262. <td>OO programming offers a sustainable way to wri...</td>
  15263. </tr>
  15264. <tr>
  15265. <th>Nikita Popov</th>
  15266. <td>Ruby is rubbish! PHP is phpantastic!</td>
  15267. </tr>
  15268. <tr>
  15269. <th>Douglas Adams</th>
  15270. <td>So long and thanks for all the fish!</td>
  15271. </tr>
  15272. <tr>
  15273. <th>Cicero</th>
  15274. <td>If I had more time, I would have written a sho...</td>
  15275. </tr>
  15276. <tr>
  15277. <th>Jeff Atwood</th>
  15278. <td>The best reaction to "this is confusing, where...</td>
  15279. </tr>
  15280. <tr>
  15281. <th>Jeff Atwood</th>
  15282. <td>The older I get, the more I believe that the o...</td>
  15283. </tr>
  15284. <tr>
  15285. <th>Douglas Crockford</th>
  15286. <td>"That hardly ever happens" is another way of s...</td>
  15287. </tr>
  15288. <tr>
  15289. <th>Anna Debenham</th>
  15290. <td>Hello, PHP, my old friend.</td>
  15291. </tr>
  15292. <tr>
  15293. <th>Melvin Conway</th>
  15294. <td>Organizations which design systems are constra...</td>
  15295. </tr>
  15296. <tr>
  15297. <th>Melvin Conway</th>
  15298. <td>In design, complexity is toxic.</td>
  15299. </tr>
  15300. <tr>
  15301. <th>Jeffrey Zeldman</th>
  15302. <td>Good is the enemy of great, but great is the e...</td>
  15303. </tr>
  15304. <tr>
  15305. <th>Rick Lemons</th>
  15306. <td>Don't make the user provide information that t...</td>
  15307. </tr>
  15308. <tr>
  15309. <th>Donald E. Knuth</th>
  15310. <td>You're bound to be unhappy if you optimize eve...</td>
  15311. </tr>
  15312. <tr>
  15313. <th>Anna Nachesa</th>
  15314. <td>If the programmers like each other, they play ...</td>
  15315. </tr>
  15316. <tr>
  15317. <th>Edsger W. Dijkstra</th>
  15318. <td>Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.</td>
  15319. </tr>
  15320. <tr>
  15321. <th>Jordi Boggiano</th>
  15322. <td>Focus on WHY instead of WHAT in your code will...</td>
  15323. </tr>
  15324. <tr>
  15325. <th>Andrei Herasimchuk</th>
  15326. <td>The best engineers I know are artists at heart...</td>
  15327. </tr>
  15328. <tr>
  15329. <th>Barry Boehm</th>
  15330. <td>Poor management can increase software costs mo...</td>
  15331. </tr>
  15332. <tr>
  15333. <th>Daniel Bryant</th>
  15334. <td>If you can't deploy your services independentl...</td>
  15335. </tr>
  15336. <tr>
  15337. <th>Daniel Bryant</th>
  15338. <td>If you can't deploy your services independentl...</td>
  15339. </tr>
  15340. <tr>
  15341. <th>Jeff Atwood</th>
  15342. <td>No one hates software more than software devel...</td>
  15343. </tr>
  15344. <tr>
  15345. <th>Robert C. Martin</th>
  15346. <td>The proper use of comments is to compensate fo...</td>
  15347. </tr>
  15348. <tr>
  15349. <th>Cory House</th>
  15350. <td>Code is like humor. When you have to explain i...</td>
  15351. </tr>
  15352. <tr>
  15353. <th>Steve Maguire</th>
  15354. <td>Fix the cause, not the symptom.</td>
  15355. </tr>
  15356. <tr>
  15357. <th>David Heinemeier Hansson</th>
  15358. <td>Programmers are constantly making things more ...</td>
  15359. </tr>
  15360. <tr>
  15361. <th>Linus Torvalds</th>
  15362. <td>People will realize that software is not a pro...</td>
  15363. </tr>
  15364. <tr>
  15365. <th>Ron Fein</th>
  15366. <td>Design is choosing how you will fail.</td>
  15367. </tr>
  15368. <tr>
  15369. <th>Steve Jobs</th>
  15370. <td>Focus is saying no to 1000 good ideas.</td>
  15371. </tr>
  15372. <tr>
  15373. <th>Ron Jeffries</th>
  15374. <td>Code never lies, comments sometimes do.</td>
  15375. </tr>
  15376. <tr>
  15377. <th>Unknown</th>
  15378. <td>Be careful with each other, so you can be dang...</td>
  15379. </tr>
  15380. </tbody>
  15381. </table>
  15382. <p>189 rows × 1 columns</p>
  15383. </div>
  15384. </div>
  15385. </div>
  15386. </div>
  15387. </div>
  15388. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15389. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15390. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15391. </div>
  15392. <div class="inner_cell">
  15393. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15394. <p>Though we haven't talked about it, there is a very interesting and useful mechanism for filtering data using the <a href=""><code>apply()</code></a> method. In this case, we're going to write a cute anonymous function that finds all the quotes by the author <code>Unknown</code> with <code>java</code> in the quote.</p>
  15395. </div>
  15396. </div>
  15397. </div><div class="fragment">
  15398. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15399. <div class="input">
  15400. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[23]:</div>
  15401. <div class="inner_cell">
  15402. <div class="input_area">
  15403. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">df1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">loc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s2">&quot;Unknown&quot;</span><span class="p">][</span><span class="n">df1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">loc</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s2">&quot;Unknown&quot;</span><span class="p">][</span><span class="s2">&quot;text&quot;</span><span class="p">]</span>
  15404. <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">apply</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">lambda</span> <span class="n">v</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="s2">&quot;jav&quot;</span> <span class="ow">in</span> <span class="n">v</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">lower</span><span class="p">())]</span>
  15405. </pre></div>
  15406. </div>
  15407. </div>
  15408. </div>
  15409. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15410. <div class="output">
  15411. <div class="output_area">
  15412. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[23]:</div>
  15413. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15414. <div>
  15415. <style>
  15416. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  15417. text-align: right;
  15418. }
  15419. .dataframe thead th {
  15420. text-align: left;
  15421. }
  15422. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  15423. vertical-align: top;
  15424. }
  15425. </style>
  15426. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  15427. <thead>
  15428. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  15429. <th></th>
  15430. <th>text</th>
  15431. </tr>
  15432. <tr>
  15433. <th>author</th>
  15434. <th></th>
  15435. </tr>
  15436. </thead>
  15437. <tbody>
  15438. <tr>
  15439. <th>Unknown</th>
  15440. <td>Java is, in many ways, C++??.</td>
  15441. </tr>
  15442. </tbody>
  15443. </table>
  15444. </div>
  15445. </div>
  15446. </div>
  15447. </div>
  15448. </div>
  15449. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  15450. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15451. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15452. </div>
  15453. <div class="inner_cell">
  15454. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15455. <h2 id="SQL">SQL<a class="anchor-link" href="#SQL">&#182;</a></h2><p>Loading SQL data into a DataFrame is also supported by Pandas. You might need to take a look at the <a href="">SQLAlchemy</a> and the <a href="">documentation on creating database engines</a>, as this is the framework supported directly by Pandas.</p>
  15456. </div>
  15457. </div>
  15458. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15459. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15460. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15461. </div>
  15462. <div class="inner_cell">
  15463. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15464. <p><strong>SQL DATA SOURCE</strong></p>
  15465. <ul>
  15466. <li><a href="">Jeopardy! Data Analysis</a> - a sqlite database by <em>cmohamma</em></li>
  15467. </ul>
  15468. <p>This file contains a number of tables that contain the Jeopardy! game clues, players, wins, categories, etc. We will only use a fraction of the data to demonstrate the SQL capabilities.</p>
  15469. <p>Our example will use a <a href="">SQLite database</a> so we can demonstrate the example in a standalone context. We'll show reading a table in full using the <a href=""><code>read_sql_table()</code></a> and then how to do ad hoc queries using <a href=""><code>read_sql_query()</code></a>.</p>
  15470. </div>
  15471. </div>
  15472. </div></section><section>
  15473. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15474. <div class="input">
  15475. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[24]:</div>
  15476. <div class="inner_cell">
  15477. <div class="input_area">
  15478. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">sqlalchemy</span> <span class="k">import</span> <span class="n">create_engine</span>
  15479. <span class="n">engine</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">create_engine</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;sqlite:///datasets/database.sqlite&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span>
  15480. <span class="k">with</span> <span class="n">engine</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">connect</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">begin</span><span class="p">():</span>
  15481. <span class="n">data</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">read_sql_table</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;final&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="p">)</span>
  15482. </pre></div>
  15483. </div>
  15484. </div>
  15485. </div>
  15486. </div></section><section>
  15487. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15488. <div class="input">
  15489. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[25]:</div>
  15490. <div class="inner_cell">
  15491. <div class="input_area">
  15492. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">data</span><span class="p">[:</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">]</span>
  15493. </pre></div>
  15494. </div>
  15495. </div>
  15496. </div>
  15497. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15498. <div class="output">
  15499. <div class="output_area">
  15500. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[25]:</div>
  15501. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15502. <div>
  15503. <style>
  15504. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  15505. text-align: right;
  15506. }
  15507. .dataframe thead th {
  15508. text-align: left;
  15509. }
  15510. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  15511. vertical-align: top;
  15512. }
  15513. </style>
  15514. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  15515. <thead>
  15516. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  15517. <th></th>
  15518. <th>game_id</th>
  15519. <th>clue_id</th>
  15520. <th>value</th>
  15521. <th>category</th>
  15522. <th>clue</th>
  15523. <th>strike1</th>
  15524. <th>strike2</th>
  15525. <th>strike3</th>
  15526. <th>answer</th>
  15527. </tr>
  15528. </thead>
  15529. <tbody>
  15530. <tr>
  15531. <th>0</th>
  15532. <td>280</td>
  15533. <td>16720</td>
  15534. <td>100</td>
  15535. <td>HIGH ROLLERS</td>
  15536. <td>After an 1891 roulette run, Charles Wells was ...</td>
  15537. <td>What is Atlantic City?</td>
  15538. <td>What is Las Vegas?</td>
  15539. <td>What is Monaco?</td>
  15540. <td>Monte Carlo</td>
  15541. </tr>
  15542. <tr>
  15543. <th>1</th>
  15544. <td>429</td>
  15545. <td>25403</td>
  15546. <td>100</td>
  15547. <td>OH, CRAPS!</td>
  15548. <td>The combo that totals one shy of "boxcars"</td>
  15549. <td>What is 11?</td>
  15550. <td>What is 10?</td>
  15551. <td>What is 9?</td>
  15552. <td>5 &amp; 6</td>
  15553. </tr>
  15554. <tr>
  15555. <th>2</th>
  15556. <td>866</td>
  15557. <td>51549</td>
  15558. <td>100</td>
  15559. <td>ROCK &amp; POP</td>
  15560. <td>It was the last decade in which Cher didn't ha...</td>
  15561. <td>What are the 1980s?</td>
  15562. <td>What are the 1970s?</td>
  15563. <td>What are the 1990s?</td>
  15564. <td>1950s</td>
  15565. </tr>
  15566. <tr>
  15567. <th>3</th>
  15568. <td>1018</td>
  15569. <td>60582</td>
  15570. <td>100</td>
  15571. <td>LET'S HAVE A BALL</td>
  15572. <td>Sink it &amp; you've scratched</td>
  15573. <td>Um...</td>
  15574. <td>What is the pinball?</td>
  15575. <td>What is the 8-ball?</td>
  15576. <td>the cue ball</td>
  15577. </tr>
  15578. <tr>
  15579. <th>4</th>
  15580. <td>1069</td>
  15581. <td>63644</td>
  15582. <td>100</td>
  15583. <td>WHAT A YEAR!</td>
  15584. <td>Dewaele won the Tour de France, Coco Chanel wa...</td>
  15585. <td>What is 1933?</td>
  15586. <td>What is 1987?</td>
  15587. <td>What is 1927?</td>
  15588. <td>1929</td>
  15589. </tr>
  15590. <tr>
  15591. <th>5</th>
  15592. <td>1473</td>
  15593. <td>84364</td>
  15594. <td>100</td>
  15595. <td>EUROPEAN HISTORY</td>
  15596. <td>A former Socialist, he formed the anti-Communi...</td>
  15597. <td>Who was Lenin?</td>
  15598. <td>Who was Franco?</td>
  15599. <td>Who was Hitler?</td>
  15600. <td>Benito Mussolini</td>
  15601. </tr>
  15602. <tr>
  15603. <th>6</th>
  15604. <td>1635</td>
  15605. <td>93864</td>
  15606. <td>100</td>
  15607. <td>CHRISTIANITY</td>
  15608. <td>According to tradition, Dismas &amp; Gestas were t...</td>
  15609. <td>Who are the thieves?</td>
  15610. <td>What is Cavalry?</td>
  15611. <td>What is Mt. Olive?</td>
  15612. <td>Calvary</td>
  15613. </tr>
  15614. <tr>
  15615. <th>7</th>
  15616. <td>4166</td>
  15617. <td>242419</td>
  15618. <td>100</td>
  15619. <td>NAME THE DECADE</td>
  15620. <td>Paul Revere &amp; William Dawes warn colonists tha...</td>
  15621. <td>What is the 16th century?</td>
  15622. <td>What is the 18th century?</td>
  15623. <td>What is the 18th century?</td>
  15624. <td>the 1770s</td>
  15625. </tr>
  15626. <tr>
  15627. <th>8</th>
  15628. <td>112</td>
  15629. <td>6679</td>
  15630. <td>200</td>
  15631. <td>ODD ALPHABETS</td>
  15632. <td>In alphabet radio code, "B" is Bravo and "F" s...</td>
  15633. <td>What's the Flamingo?</td>
  15634. <td>What's a Fandango?</td>
  15635. <td>What's the Flamenco? - you have it written the...</td>
  15636. <td>Foxtrot</td>
  15637. </tr>
  15638. <tr>
  15639. <th>9</th>
  15640. <td>354</td>
  15641. <td>20984</td>
  15642. <td>200</td>
  15643. <td>SPORTS</td>
  15644. <td>A filly becomes a mare at this age</td>
  15645. <td>What is 3?</td>
  15646. <td>What is 1?</td>
  15647. <td>What is 2?</td>
  15648. <td>4</td>
  15649. </tr>
  15650. </tbody>
  15651. </table>
  15652. </div>
  15653. </div>
  15654. </div>
  15655. </div>
  15656. </div>
  15657. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15658. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15659. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15660. </div>
  15661. <div class="inner_cell">
  15662. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15663. <p>Now say we want to find out the distribution of occupations of players over the years. When we look into the <code>players</code> table, we can see we can create a query that allows for us to aggregate these occupations easily.</p>
  15664. <p>Using <a href=""><code>read_sql_query()</code></a> we can get the job done and dump this into a DataFrame.</p>
  15665. </div>
  15666. </div>
  15667. </div><div class="fragment">
  15668. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15669. <div class="input">
  15670. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[26]:</div>
  15671. <div class="inner_cell">
  15672. <div class="input_area">
  15673. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">query</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s2">&quot;&quot;&quot;</span>
  15674. <span class="s2"> SELECT occupation, count(occupation) as freq FROM players</span>
  15675. <span class="s2"> WHERE occupation != &#39;&#39;</span>
  15676. <span class="s2"> GROUP BY occupation </span>
  15677. <span class="s2"> ORDER BY count(occupation) DESC </span>
  15678. <span class="s2"> &quot;&quot;&quot;</span>
  15679. <span class="k">with</span> <span class="n">engine</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">connect</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">begin</span><span class="p">():</span>
  15680. <span class="n">occupation_data</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">pd</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">read_sql_query</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">query</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">conn</span><span class="p">)</span>
  15681. </pre></div>
  15682. </div>
  15683. </div>
  15684. </div>
  15685. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  15686. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15687. <div class="input">
  15688. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[27]:</div>
  15689. <div class="inner_cell">
  15690. <div class="input_area">
  15691. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[:</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">]</span>
  15692. </pre></div>
  15693. </div>
  15694. </div>
  15695. </div>
  15696. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15697. <div class="output">
  15698. <div class="output_area">
  15699. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[27]:</div>
  15700. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15701. <div>
  15702. <style>
  15703. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  15704. text-align: right;
  15705. }
  15706. .dataframe thead th {
  15707. text-align: left;
  15708. }
  15709. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  15710. vertical-align: top;
  15711. }
  15712. </style>
  15713. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  15714. <thead>
  15715. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  15716. <th></th>
  15717. <th>occupation</th>
  15718. <th>freq</th>
  15719. </tr>
  15720. </thead>
  15721. <tbody>
  15722. <tr>
  15723. <th>0</th>
  15724. <td>attorney</td>
  15725. <td>380</td>
  15726. </tr>
  15727. <tr>
  15728. <th>1</th>
  15729. <td>senior</td>
  15730. <td>228</td>
  15731. </tr>
  15732. <tr>
  15733. <th>2</th>
  15734. <td>graduate student</td>
  15735. <td>212</td>
  15736. </tr>
  15737. <tr>
  15738. <th>3</th>
  15739. <td>writer</td>
  15740. <td>176</td>
  15741. </tr>
  15742. <tr>
  15743. <th>4</th>
  15744. <td>teacher</td>
  15745. <td>159</td>
  15746. </tr>
  15747. <tr>
  15748. <th>5</th>
  15749. <td>junior</td>
  15750. <td>158</td>
  15751. </tr>
  15752. <tr>
  15753. <th>6</th>
  15754. <td>law student</td>
  15755. <td>120</td>
  15756. </tr>
  15757. <tr>
  15758. <th>7</th>
  15759. <td>lawyer</td>
  15760. <td>112</td>
  15761. </tr>
  15762. <tr>
  15763. <th>8</th>
  15764. <td>homemaker</td>
  15765. <td>101</td>
  15766. </tr>
  15767. <tr>
  15768. <th>9</th>
  15769. <td>actor</td>
  15770. <td>97</td>
  15771. </tr>
  15772. </tbody>
  15773. </table>
  15774. </div>
  15775. </div>
  15776. </div>
  15777. </div>
  15778. </div>
  15779. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15780. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15781. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15782. </div>
  15783. <div class="inner_cell">
  15784. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15785. <p><strong>PROBLEM</strong></p>
  15786. <ul>
  15787. <li>there are many occupations that are the same, but labeled differently<ul>
  15788. <li>"attorney" and "lawyer"</li>
  15789. <li>or the various kinds of "teachers"</li>
  15790. </ul>
  15791. </li>
  15792. <li>what would happen if we want to know if the selection of players was fair across occupations?</li>
  15793. </ul>
  15794. </div>
  15795. </div>
  15796. </div></section></section><section><section>
  15797. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15798. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15799. </div>
  15800. <div class="inner_cell">
  15801. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15802. <p>Let's find all occupations with <code>teach</code> in the name ...</p>
  15803. </div>
  15804. </div>
  15805. </div><div class="fragment">
  15806. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15807. <div class="input">
  15808. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[28]:</div>
  15809. <div class="inner_cell">
  15810. <div class="input_area">
  15811. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">freq_all_occupations</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">freq</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">sum</span><span class="p">()</span>
  15812. <span class="n">combined_teacher_freq</span> <span class="o">=</span> \
  15813. <span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span>
  15814. <span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;occupation&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span>
  15815. <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">str</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">contains</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;teach&#39;</span><span class="p">)]</span>\
  15816. <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">sum</span><span class="p">()</span>
  15817. </pre></div>
  15818. </div>
  15819. </div>
  15820. </div>
  15821. </div></div></section><section>
  15822. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15823. <div class="input">
  15824. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[29]:</div>
  15825. <div class="inner_cell">
  15826. <div class="input_area">
  15827. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">combined_teacher_freq</span>
  15828. </pre></div>
  15829. </div>
  15830. </div>
  15831. </div>
  15832. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15833. <div class="output">
  15834. <div class="output_area">
  15835. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[29]:</div>
  15836. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15837. <pre>occupation teacherhigh school teacherhigh school English ...
  15838. freq 830
  15839. dtype: object</pre>
  15840. </div>
  15841. </div>
  15842. </div>
  15843. </div>
  15844. </div></section><section>
  15845. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15846. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15847. </div>
  15848. <div class="inner_cell">
  15849. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15850. <p>Notice the occupation is the concatenation of all those teachers. We want to change that to a single label <code>"teacher"</code>.</p>
  15851. </div>
  15852. </div>
  15853. </div><div class="fragment">
  15854. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15855. <div class="input">
  15856. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[30]:</div>
  15857. <div class="inner_cell">
  15858. <div class="input_area">
  15859. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">combined_teacher_freq</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;occupation&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s1">&#39;teacher&#39;</span>
  15860. </pre></div>
  15861. </div>
  15862. </div>
  15863. </div>
  15864. </div></div><div class="fragment">
  15865. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15866. <div class="input">
  15867. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[31]:</div>
  15868. <div class="inner_cell">
  15869. <div class="input_area">
  15870. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">combined_teacher_freq</span>
  15871. </pre></div>
  15872. </div>
  15873. </div>
  15874. </div>
  15875. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15876. <div class="output">
  15877. <div class="output_area">
  15878. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[31]:</div>
  15879. <div class="output_text output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15880. <pre>occupation teacher
  15881. freq 830
  15882. dtype: object</pre>
  15883. </div>
  15884. </div>
  15885. </div>
  15886. </div>
  15887. </div></div></section><section>
  15888. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  15889. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  15890. </div>
  15891. <div class="inner_cell">
  15892. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  15893. <p>We now need only append the data to our original DataFrame:</p>
  15894. </div>
  15895. </div>
  15896. </div><div class="fragment">
  15897. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15898. <div class="input">
  15899. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[32]:</div>
  15900. <div class="inner_cell">
  15901. <div class="input_area">
  15902. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">occupation_data</span> <span class="o">=</span> \
  15903. <span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span>
  15904. <span class="o">~</span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;occupation&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span>
  15905. <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">str</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">contains</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;teach&#39;</span><span class="p">)]</span> \
  15906. <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">append</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">combined_teacher_freq</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ignore_index</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="kc">True</span><span class="p">)</span>
  15907. </pre></div>
  15908. </div>
  15909. </div>
  15910. </div>
  15911. </div></div></section><section>
  15912. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  15913. <div class="input">
  15914. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[33]:</div>
  15915. <div class="inner_cell">
  15916. <div class="input_area">
  15917. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">:]</span>
  15918. </pre></div>
  15919. </div>
  15920. </div>
  15921. </div>
  15922. <div class="output_wrapper">
  15923. <div class="output">
  15924. <div class="output_area">
  15925. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[33]:</div>
  15926. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  15927. <div>
  15928. <style>
  15929. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  15930. text-align: right;
  15931. }
  15932. .dataframe thead th {
  15933. text-align: left;
  15934. }
  15935. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  15936. vertical-align: top;
  15937. }
  15938. </style>
  15939. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  15940. <thead>
  15941. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  15942. <th></th>
  15943. <th>occupation</th>
  15944. <th>freq</th>
  15945. </tr>
  15946. </thead>
  15947. <tbody>
  15948. <tr>
  15949. <th>4205</th>
  15950. <td>writer for an online magazine</td>
  15951. <td>1</td>
  15952. </tr>
  15953. <tr>
  15954. <th>4206</th>
  15955. <td>writer's assistant</td>
  15956. <td>1</td>
  15957. </tr>
  15958. <tr>
  15959. <th>4207</th>
  15960. <td>writer-producer</td>
  15961. <td>1</td>
  15962. </tr>
  15963. <tr>
  15964. <th>4208</th>
  15965. <td>writing instructor</td>
  15966. <td>1</td>
  15967. </tr>
  15968. <tr>
  15969. <th>4209</th>
  15970. <td>yoga instructor</td>
  15971. <td>1</td>
  15972. </tr>
  15973. <tr>
  15974. <th>4210</th>
  15975. <td>yogurt franchise operator</td>
  15976. <td>1</td>
  15977. </tr>
  15978. <tr>
  15979. <th>4211</th>
  15980. <td>youth ministry consultant</td>
  15981. <td>1</td>
  15982. </tr>
  15983. <tr>
  15984. <th>4212</th>
  15985. <td>zoo docent</td>
  15986. <td>1</td>
  15987. </tr>
  15988. <tr>
  15989. <th>4213</th>
  15990. <td>zoo educator</td>
  15991. <td>1</td>
  15992. </tr>
  15993. <tr>
  15994. <th>4214</th>
  15995. <td>teacher</td>
  15996. <td>830</td>
  15997. </tr>
  15998. </tbody>
  15999. </table>
  16000. </div>
  16001. </div>
  16002. </div>
  16003. </div>
  16004. </div>
  16005. </div></section><section>
  16006. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  16007. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  16008. </div>
  16009. <div class="inner_cell">
  16010. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  16011. <p>Now let's add the percentage column and call it <code>pct</code>:</p>
  16012. </div>
  16013. </div>
  16014. </div><div class="fragment">
  16015. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  16016. <div class="input">
  16017. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[34]:</div>
  16018. <div class="inner_cell">
  16019. <div class="input_area">
  16020. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;pct&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;freq&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">freq</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">sum</span><span class="p">()</span>
  16021. </pre></div>
  16022. </div>
  16023. </div>
  16024. </div>
  16025. </div></div><div class="fragment">
  16026. <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell rendered">
  16027. <div class="input">
  16028. <div class="prompt input_prompt">In&nbsp;[35]:</div>
  16029. <div class="inner_cell">
  16030. <div class="input_area">
  16031. <div class=" highlight hl-ipython3"><pre><span></span><span class="n">occupation_data</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">sort_values</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">by</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;pct&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ascending</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="kc">False</span><span class="p">)[:</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">]</span>
  16032. </pre></div>
  16033. </div>
  16034. </div>
  16035. </div>
  16036. <div class="output_wrapper">
  16037. <div class="output">
  16038. <div class="output_area">
  16039. <div class="prompt output_prompt">Out[35]:</div>
  16040. <div class="output_html rendered_html output_subarea output_execute_result">
  16041. <div>
  16042. <style>
  16043. .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
  16044. text-align: right;
  16045. }
  16046. .dataframe thead th {
  16047. text-align: left;
  16048. }
  16049. .dataframe tbody tr th {
  16050. vertical-align: top;
  16051. }
  16052. </style>
  16053. <table border="1" class="dataframe">
  16054. <thead>
  16055. <tr style="text-align: right;">
  16056. <th></th>
  16057. <th>occupation</th>
  16058. <th>freq</th>
  16059. <th>pct</th>
  16060. </tr>
  16061. </thead>
  16062. <tbody>
  16063. <tr>
  16064. <th>4214</th>
  16065. <td>teacher</td>
  16066. <td>830</td>
  16067. <td>0.078905</td>
  16068. </tr>
  16069. <tr>
  16070. <th>0</th>
  16071. <td>attorney</td>
  16072. <td>380</td>
  16073. <td>0.036125</td>
  16074. </tr>
  16075. <tr>
  16076. <th>1</th>
  16077. <td>senior</td>
  16078. <td>228</td>
  16079. <td>0.021675</td>
  16080. </tr>
  16081. <tr>
  16082. <th>2</th>
  16083. <td>graduate student</td>
  16084. <td>212</td>
  16085. <td>0.020154</td>
  16086. </tr>
  16087. <tr>
  16088. <th>3</th>
  16089. <td>writer</td>
  16090. <td>176</td>
  16091. <td>0.016732</td>
  16092. </tr>
  16093. <tr>
  16094. <th>4</th>
  16095. <td>junior</td>
  16096. <td>158</td>
  16097. <td>0.015020</td>
  16098. </tr>
  16099. <tr>
  16100. <th>5</th>
  16101. <td>law student</td>
  16102. <td>120</td>
  16103. <td>0.011408</td>
  16104. </tr>
  16105. <tr>
  16106. <th>6</th>
  16107. <td>lawyer</td>
  16108. <td>112</td>
  16109. <td>0.010647</td>
  16110. </tr>
  16111. <tr>
  16112. <th>7</th>
  16113. <td>homemaker</td>
  16114. <td>101</td>
  16115. <td>0.009602</td>
  16116. </tr>
  16117. <tr>
  16118. <th>8</th>
  16119. <td>actor</td>
  16120. <td>97</td>
  16121. <td>0.009221</td>
  16122. </tr>
  16123. </tbody>
  16124. </table>
  16125. </div>
  16126. </div>
  16127. </div>
  16128. </div>
  16129. </div>
  16130. </div></div></section></section><section><section>
  16131. <div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered">
  16132. <div class="prompt input_prompt">
  16133. </div>
  16134. <div class="inner_cell">
  16135. <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
  16136. <p>... on to Part III: <a href="./3_dataframe_operations.slides.html">Manipulating DataFrames</a>.</p>
  16137. </div>
  16138. </div>
  16139. </div></section></section>
  16140. </div>
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